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Stairville LED Flood Panel 150 StairvilleFloodPanel150

Last modified: Created: Author: Felix EdelmannSourceRevisions

Physical data

200 × 210 × 68mm width × height × depth
DMX connector


Bulb type
48 red, 51 green and 51 blue 10mm LEDs


Beam angle

3-channel mode 3ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityRed off…bright
  2. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityGreen off…bright
  3. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityBlue off…bright

4-channel mode 4ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  2. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityRed off…bright
  3. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityGreen off…bright
  4. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityBlue off…bright

8-channel mode 8ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  2. Channel type: Switching ChannelRed / Color Presets / Program Speed / Sound Sensitivity Switches depending on trigger channel's value.
    Trigger channel
    Internal Programs (channel 6)
    1. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed (default)
      Activated when
      Trigger channel is set to 0
      Default DMX value
      Can crossfade?
      DMX values Capability
      0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityRed off…bright
    2. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Presets
      Activated when
      Trigger channel is set to 1…24
      DMX values Capability
      0 8Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff0000Red
      9 17Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff3200Red: 255, Green: 50
      18 26Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff9600Red: 255, Green: 150
      27 35Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffff00Yellow
      36 44Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #c8ff00Red: 200, Green: 255
      45 53Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #64ff00Red: 100, Green: 255
      54 62Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #28ff00Red: 40, Green: 255
      63 71Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ff00Green
      72 80Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ff32Green: 255, Blue: 50
      81 89Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ff96Green: 255, Blue: 150
      90 98Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ffffCyan
      99 107Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #0096ffGreen: 150, Blue: 255
      108 116Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #0032ffGreen: 50, Blue: 255
      117 125Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #0000ffBlue
      126 134Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #3200ffRed: 50, Blue: 255
      135 143Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #9600ffRed: 150, Blue: 255
      144 152Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff00ffMagenta
      153 161Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #dc00ffRed: 220, Blue: 255
      162 170Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #963264Red: 150, Green: 50, Blue: 100
      171 179Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #32b4dcRed: 50, Green: 180, Blue: 220
      180 188Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #32dc64Red: 50, Green: 220, Blue: 100
      189 197Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #96dc00Red: 150, Green: 220
      198 206Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #9600dcRed: 150, Blue: 220
      207 215Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00b4dcGreen: 180, Blue: 220
      216 224Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00dc32Green: 220, Blue: 50
      225 233Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #dc6432Red: 220, Green: 100, Blue: 50
      234 242Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #dcc864Red: 220, Green: 200, Blue: 100
      243 251Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffc896Red: 255, Green: 200, Blue: 150
      252 255Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffffffWhite
    3. Channel type: SpeedProgram Speed
      Activated when
      Trigger channel is set to 25…249
      Can crossfade?
      DMX values Capability
      0 255Capability type: EffectSpeedEffect speed slow…fast
    4. Channel type: EffectSound Sensitivity
      Activated when
      Trigger channel is set to 250…255
      Can crossfade?
      DMX values Capability
      0 255Capability type: SoundSensitivitySound sensitivity low…high
  3. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityGreen off…bright
  4. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityBlue off…bright
  5. Channel type: StrobeStrobe
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 9Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    10 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe slow…fast
  6. Channel type: EffectInternal Programs
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 0Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    Channel 2 → Red
    1 24Capability type: EffectColor presets
    Channel 2 → Color Presets
    25 49Capability type: EffectColor fade (7-color)
    Channel 2 → Program Speed
    50 74Capability type: EffectColor fade (3-color)
    Channel 2 → Program Speed
    75 99Capability type: EffectColor jump (7-color)
    Channel 2 → Program Speed
    100 124Capability type: EffectColor jump (3-color)
    Channel 2 → Program Speed
    125 149Capability type: EffectFantasy change 1
    Channel 2 → Program Speed
    150 174Capability type: EffectFantasy change 2
    Channel 2 → Program Speed
    175 199Capability type: EffectRed fading
    Channel 2 → Program Speed
    200 224Capability type: EffectGreen fading
    Channel 2 → Program Speed
    225 249Capability type: EffectBlue fading
    Channel 2 → Program Speed
    250 255Capability type: Effect (sound-controlled)Sound control
    Channel 2 → Sound Sensitivity
  7. Channel type: MaintenanceID Select
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 9Capability type: MaintenanceAll IDs (1-66)
    10 19Capability type: MaintenanceID 1
    20 29Capability type: MaintenanceID 2
    30 39Capability type: MaintenanceID 3
    40 49Capability type: MaintenanceID 4
    50 59Capability type: MaintenanceID 5
    60 69Capability type: MaintenanceID 6
    70 79Capability type: MaintenanceID 7
    80 89Capability type: MaintenanceID 8
    90 99Capability type: MaintenanceID 9
    100 109Capability type: MaintenanceID 10
    110 119Capability type: MaintenanceID 11
    120 129Capability type: MaintenanceID 12
    130 139Capability type: MaintenanceID 13
    140 149Capability type: MaintenanceID 14
    150 159Capability type: MaintenanceID 15
    160 169Capability type: MaintenanceID 16
    170 179Capability type: MaintenanceID 17
    180 189Capability type: MaintenanceID 18
    190 199Capability type: MaintenanceID 19
    200 209Capability type: MaintenanceID 20
    210 210Capability type: MaintenanceID 21
    211 211Capability type: MaintenanceID 22
    212 212Capability type: MaintenanceID 23
    213 213Capability type: MaintenanceID 24
    214 214Capability type: MaintenanceID 25
    215 215Capability type: MaintenanceID 26
    216 216Capability type: MaintenanceID 27
    217 217Capability type: MaintenanceID 28
    218 218Capability type: MaintenanceID 29
    219 219Capability type: MaintenanceID 30
    220 220Capability type: MaintenanceID 31
    221 221Capability type: MaintenanceID 32
    222 222Capability type: MaintenanceID 33
    223 223Capability type: MaintenanceID 34
    224 224Capability type: MaintenanceID 35
    225 225Capability type: MaintenanceID 36
    226 226Capability type: MaintenanceID 37
    227 227Capability type: MaintenanceID 38
    228 228Capability type: MaintenanceID 39
    229 229Capability type: MaintenanceID 40
    230 230Capability type: MaintenanceID 41
    231 231Capability type: MaintenanceID 42
    232 232Capability type: MaintenanceID 43
    233 233Capability type: MaintenanceID 44
    234 234Capability type: MaintenanceID 45
    235 235Capability type: MaintenanceID 46
    236 236Capability type: MaintenanceID 47
    237 237Capability type: MaintenanceID 48
    238 238Capability type: MaintenanceID 49
    239 239Capability type: MaintenanceID 50
    240 240Capability type: MaintenanceID 51
    241 241Capability type: MaintenanceID 52
    242 242Capability type: MaintenanceID 53
    243 243Capability type: MaintenanceID 54
    244 244Capability type: MaintenanceID 55
    245 245Capability type: MaintenanceID 56
    246 246Capability type: MaintenanceID 57
    247 247Capability type: MaintenanceID 58
    248 248Capability type: MaintenanceID 59
    249 249Capability type: MaintenanceID 60
    250 250Capability type: MaintenanceID 61
    251 251Capability type: MaintenanceID 62
    252 252Capability type: MaintenanceID 63
    253 253Capability type: MaintenanceID 64
    254 254Capability type: MaintenanceID 65
    255 255Capability type: MaintenanceID 66
  8. Channel type: MaintenanceDimmer Delay
    DMX values Capability
    0 250Capability type: MaintenanceInstant
    251 255Capability type: MaintenanceDelayed

Something wrong with this fixture definition?

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