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Martin MAC Axiom Hybrid MartinAxiomHybrid

Last modified: Created: Authors:, Ryan GoodwinSourceRevisions

Physical data

414 × 630 × 399mm width × height × depth
DMX connector

Power connectors

powerCON TRUE1
input only


Bulb type
440 W short-arc discharge
Color temperature


Beam angle


Slot 1: OpenSlot 2: BlueSlot 3: Light greenSlot 4: Half CTBSlot 5: OrangeSlot 6: MagentaSlot 7: Full CTBSlot 8: Yellow 2Slot 9: Light blueSlot 10: Light redSlot 11: LavenderSlot 12: Dark greenSlot 13: PurpleSlot 14: PinkSlot 15: Yellow 1Slot 16: Blue 101Slot 17: Red
Color Wheel
Slot 1Open
Slot 2Blue
Slot 3Light green
Slot 4Half CTB
Slot 5Orange
Slot 6Magenta
Slot 7Full CTB
Slot 8Yellow 2
Slot 9Light blue
Slot 10Light red
Slot 11Lavender
Slot 12Dark green
Slot 13Purple
Slot 14Pink
Slot 15Yellow 1
Slot 16Blue 101
Slot 17Red
Slot 1: OpenSlot 2: Gobo Damped Wave 1 Slot 3: Gobo Luck Stakes 2 Slot 4: Gobo Bite Me 3 Slot 5: Gobo Laser Squares 4 Slot 6: Gobo Kite Surf 5 Slot 7: Gobo Dots in Space 6 Slot 8: Gobo Organic Delight 7 Slot 9: Gobo Slice It 8 Slot 10: Gobo Circles 9
Rotating Gobo Wheel
Slot 1Open
Slot 2Gobo Damped Wave
Slot 3Gobo Luck Stakes
Slot 4Gobo Bite Me
Slot 5Gobo Laser Squares
Slot 6Gobo Kite Surf
Slot 7Gobo Dots in Space
Slot 8Gobo Organic Delight
Slot 9Gobo Slice It
Slot 10Gobo Circles
Slot 1: OpenSlot 2: Iris 75%Slot 3: Iris 50%Slot 4: Iris 25%Slot 5: Iris 5%Slot 6: Gobo 1 1 Slot 7: Gobo 2 2 Slot 8: Gobo 3 3 Slot 9: Gobo 4 4 Slot 10: Gobo 5 5 Slot 11: Gobo 6 6 Slot 12: Gobo 7 7 Slot 13: Gobo 8 8 Slot 14: Gobo 9 9 Slot 15: Gobo 10 10 Slot 16: Gobo 11 11 Slot 17: Gobo 12 12 Slot 18: FrostSlots 19…20: Animation Gobo S E Slot 20: Animation Gobo EndSlot 21: Gobo Not used 13
Fixed Gobo Wheel
Slot 1Open
Slot 2Iris 75%
Slot 3Iris 50%
Slot 4Iris 25%
Slot 5Iris 5%
Slot 6Gobo 1
Slot 7Gobo 2
Slot 8Gobo 3
Slot 9Gobo 4
Slot 10Gobo 5
Slot 11Gobo 6
Slot 12Gobo 7
Slot 13Gobo 8
Slot 14Gobo 9
Slot 15Gobo 10
Slot 16Gobo 11
Slot 17Gobo 12
Slot 18Frost
Slot 19Animation Gobo Start
Slot 20Animation Gobo End
Slot 21Gobo Not used

Standard mode std

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: StrobeStrobe
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 19Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    20 49Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    50 180Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe slow…fast
    181 190Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp up strobe slow…fast
    191 200Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp down strobe slow…fast
    201 210Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    211 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom strobe slow…fast
  2. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  3. Channel type: Single Color, CyanCyan
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityCyan off…bright
  4. Channel type: Single Color, MagentaMagenta
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityMagenta off…bright
  5. Channel type: Single Color, YellowYellow
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityYellow off…bright
  6. Channel type: Color TemperatureCTO
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature default…warm
  7. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Wheel
    DMX values Capability
    0 0Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    1 8Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #ffffff to #71c9edOpen … Blue
    9 9Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #71c9edBlue
    10 17Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #71c9ed to #8ad088Blue … Light green
    18 18Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #8ad088Light green
    19 26Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #8ad088 to #d4f1fbLight green … Half CTB
    27 27Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #d4f1fbHalf CTB
    28 35Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #d4f1fb to #cb6122Half CTB … Orange
    36 36Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #cb6122Orange
    37 44Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #cb6122 to #a035a0Orange … Magenta
    45 45Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #a035a0Magenta
    46 53Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #a035a0 to #9bd2efMagenta … Full CTB
    54 54Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #9bd2efFull CTB
    55 62Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #9bd2ef to #f2e663Full CTB … Yellow 2
    63 63Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #f2e663Yellow 2
    64 71Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #f2e663 to #85d2f1Yellow 2 … Light blue
    72 72Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #85d2f1Light blue
    73 80Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #85d2f1 to #be2b1fLight blue … Light red
    81 81Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #be2b1fLight red
    82 89Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #be2b1f to #5765b4Light red … Lavender
    90 90Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #5765b4Lavender
    91 98Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #5765b4 to #8cc783Lavender … Dark green
    99 99Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #8cc783Dark green
    100 107Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #8cc783 to #ac87c3Dark green … Purple
    108 108Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ac87c3Purple
    109 116Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #ac87c3 to #aa47a3Purple … Pink
    117 117Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #aa47a3Pink
    118 125Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #aa47a3 to #ffde3fPink … Yellow 1
    126 126Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffde3fYellow 1
    127 134Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #ffde3f to #3b51aaYellow 1 … Blue 101
    135 135Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #3b51aaBlue 101
    136 143Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #3b51aa to #ac241bBlue 101 … Red
    144 144Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ac241bRed
    145 152Capability type: WheelSlot, transition from #ac241b to #ffffffRed … Open
    153 162Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    163 163Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #71c9edBlue
    164 164Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #8ad088Light green
    165 165Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #d4f1fbHalf CTB
    166 166Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #cb6122Orange
    167 167Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #a035a0Magenta
    168 168Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #9bd2efFull CTB
    169 169Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #f2e663Yellow 2
    170 170Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #85d2f1Light blue
    171 171Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #be2b1fLight red
    172 172Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #5765b4Lavender
    173 173Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #8cc783Dark green
    174 174Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ac87c3Purple
    175 175Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #aa47a3Pink
    176 176Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffde3fYellow 1
    177 177Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #3b51aaBlue 101
    178 178Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ac241bRed
    179 192Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    193 214Capability type: WheelRotationColor Wheel rotation CW fast…slow
    215 221Capability type: WheelRotationColor Wheel rotation stop
    222 243Capability type: WheelRotationColor Wheel rotation CCW slow…fast
    244 247Capability type: EffectRandom color fast
    248 251Capability type: EffectRandom color 50% speed
    252 255Capability type: EffectRandom color slow
  8. Channel type: GoboRotating Gobo Wheel
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 2Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    3 6Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 2 (Gobo Damped Wave)Gobo Damped Wave (indexing)
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    7 10Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 3 (Gobo Luck Stakes)Gobo Luck Stakes (indexing)
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    11 14Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 4 (Gobo Bite Me)Gobo Bite Me (indexing)
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    15 19Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 5 (Gobo Laser Squares)Gobo Laser Squares (indexing)
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    20 23Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 6 (Gobo Kite Surf)Gobo Kite Surf (indexing)
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    24 27Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 7 (Gobo Dots in Space)Gobo Dots in Space (indexing)
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    28 31Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 8 (Gobo Organic Delight)Gobo Organic Delight (indexing)
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    32 35Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 9 (Gobo Slice It)Gobo Slice It (indexing)
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    36 40Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 10 (Gobo Circles)Gobo Circles (indexing)
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    41 44Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 2 (Gobo Damped Wave)Gobo Damped Wave (rotation)
    Channel 9 → Gobo rotation
    Channel 10 → Gobo rotation fine
    45 48Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 3 (Gobo Luck Stakes)Gobo Luck Stakes (rotation)
    Channel 9 → Gobo rotation
    Channel 10 → Gobo rotation fine
    49 52Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 4 (Gobo Bite Me)Gobo Bite Me (rotation)
    Channel 9 → Gobo rotation
    Channel 10 → Gobo rotation fine
    53 56Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 5 (Gobo Laser Squares)Gobo Laser Squares (rotation)
    Channel 9 → Gobo rotation
    Channel 10 → Gobo rotation fine
    57 60Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 6 (Gobo Kite Surf)Gobo Kite Surf (rotation)
    Channel 9 → Gobo rotation
    Channel 10 → Gobo rotation fine
    61 64Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 7 (Gobo Dots in Space)Gobo Dots in Space (rotation)
    Channel 9 → Gobo rotation
    Channel 10 → Gobo rotation fine
    65 68Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 8 (Gobo Organic Delight)Gobo Organic Delight (rotation)
    Channel 9 → Gobo rotation
    Channel 10 → Gobo rotation fine
    69 71Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 9 (Gobo Slice It)Gobo Slice It (rotation)
    Channel 9 → Gobo rotation
    Channel 10 → Gobo rotation fine
    72 80Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 10 (Gobo Circles)Gobo Circles (rotation)
    Channel 9 → Gobo rotation
    Channel 10 → Gobo rotation fine
    81 90Capability type: WheelShake, slot 2 (Gobo Damped Wave)Gobo Damped Wave shake 25…10° slow…fast
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    91 100Capability type: WheelShake, slot 3 (Gobo Luck Stakes)Gobo Luck Stakes shake 25…10° slow…fast
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    101 110Capability type: WheelShake, slot 4 (Gobo Bite Me)Gobo Bite Me shake 25…10° slow…fast
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    111 120Capability type: WheelShake, slot 5 (Gobo Laser Squares)Gobo Laser Squares shake 25…10° slow…fast
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    121 130Capability type: WheelShake, slot 6 (Gobo Kite Surf)Gobo Kite Surf shake 25…10° slow…fast
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    131 140Capability type: WheelShake, slot 7 (Gobo Dots in Space)Gobo Dots in Space shake 25…10° slow…fast
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    141 150Capability type: WheelShake, slot 8 (Gobo Organic Delight)Gobo Organic Delight shake 25…10° slow…fast
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    151 160Capability type: WheelShake, slot 9 (Gobo Slice It)Gobo Slice It shake 25…10° slow…fast
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    161 170Capability type: WheelShake, slot 10 (Gobo Circles)Gobo Circles shake 25…10° slow…fast
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    171 200Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    201 228Capability type: WheelRotationRotating Gobo Wheel rotation CW fast…slow
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
    229 255Capability type: WheelRotationRotating Gobo Wheel rotation CCW slow…fast
    Channel 9 → Gobo indexing angle
    Channel 10 → Gobo indexing angle fine
  9. Channel type: Switching ChannelGobo indexing angle / rotation Switches depending on trigger channel's value.
    Trigger channel
    Rotating Gobo Wheel (channel 8)
    1. Channel type: SpeedGobo indexing angle (default)
      Activated when
      Trigger channel is set to 0…40 or 81…255
      Fine channels
      Gobo indexing angle fine (channel 10)
      Default DMX value
      Can crossfade?
      DMX values Capability
      0 65535Capability type: WheelSlotRotationGobo stencil rotation 0…360°
    2. Channel type: SpeedGobo rotation
      Activated when
      Trigger channel is set to 41…80
      Fine channels
      Gobo rotation fine (channel 10)
      Default DMX value
      DMX values Capability
      0 600Capability type: WheelSlotRotationGobo stencil rotation 0°
      601 32130Capability type: WheelSlotRotationGobo stencil rotation CW fast…slow
      32131 32895Capability type: WheelSlotRotationGobo stencil rotation stop
      32896 64515Capability type: WheelSlotRotationGobo stencil rotation CCW slow…fast
      64516 65535Capability type: WheelSlotRotationGobo stencil rotation 90°
  10. Channel type: Switching ChannelGobo indexing angle / rotation fine Switches depending on trigger channel's value.
    Trigger channel
    Rotating Gobo Wheel (channel 8)
    1. Channel type: SpeedGobo indexing angle fine (default)
      Activated when
      Trigger channel is set to 0…40 or 81…255
      Fine channel of Gobo indexing angle (channel 9)
    2. Channel type: SpeedGobo rotation fine
      Activated when
      Trigger channel is set to 41…80
      Fine channel of Gobo rotation (channel 9)
  11. Channel type: GoboFixed Gobo Wheel
    DMX values Capability
    0 20Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    21 30Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 2 (Iris 75%)Iris 75%
    31 40Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 3 (Iris 50%)Iris 50%
    41 50Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 4 (Iris 25%)Iris 25%
    51 60Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 5 (Iris 5%)Iris 5%
    61 70Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 6 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1
    71 80Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 7 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2
    81 90Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 8 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3
    91 100Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 9 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4
    101 110Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 10 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5
    111 120Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 11 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6
    121 130Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 12 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7
    131 140Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 13 (Gobo 8)Gobo 8
    141 150Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 14 (Gobo 9)Gobo 9
    151 160Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 15 (Gobo 10)Gobo 10
    161 170Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 16 (Gobo 11)Gobo 11
    171 180Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 17 (Gobo 12)Gobo 12
    181 190Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 18 (Frost)Frost
    191 200Capability type: WheelSlotAnimation Gobo Start … Animation Gobo End
    201 201Capability type: WheelShakeAnimation Gobo shake slow
    202 202Capability type: WheelShakeAnimation Gobo shake speed 50%
    203 203Capability type: WheelShakeAnimation Gobo shake fast
    204 220Capability type: WheelRotationFixed Gobo Wheel rotation CW fast…slow
    221 226Capability type: WheelRotationFixed Gobo Wheel rotation stop
    227 243Capability type: WheelRotationFixed Gobo Wheel rotation CCW slow…fast
    244 247Capability type: EffectRandom gobo fast
    248 251Capability type: EffectRandom gobo 50% speed
    252 255Capability type: EffectRandom gobo slow
  12. Channel type: EffectFrost
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: FrostFrost off
    128 255Capability type: FrostFrost high
  13. Channel type: PrismPrism deployment
    DMX values Capability
    0 10Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    11 20Capability type: PrismPrism (3-facet, between zoom and focus)
    21 30Capability type: PrismPrism (8-facet, between zoom and focus)
    31 40Capability type: PrismPrism (3-facet, in front of zoom)
    41 255Capability type: PrismPrism (8-facet, in front of zoom)
  14. Channel type: SpeedPrism rotation
    DMX values Capability
    0 2Capability type: PrismRotationPrism rotation stop
    3 126Capability type: PrismRotationPrism rotation CW fast…slow
    127 129Capability type: PrismRotationPrism rotation stop
    130 253Capability type: PrismRotationPrism rotation CCW slow…fast
    254 255Capability type: PrismRotationPrism rotation stop
  15. Channel type: SpeedPrism lineator
    Default DMX value
    Is inverted?
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: BeamAngleBeam wide…narrow
  16. Channel type: ZoomZoom
    Default DMX value
    Is inverted?
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ZoomZoom wide…narrow
  17. Channel type: FocusFocus
    Fine channels
    Focus fine (channel 18)
    Default DMX value
    Is inverted?
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: FocusFocus far…near
  18. Channel type: FocusFocus fine
    Fine channel of Focus (channel 17)
  19. Channel type: PanPan
    Fine channels
    Pan fine (channel 20)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: PanPan 0…540°
  20. Channel type: PanPan fine
    Fine channel of Pan (channel 19)
  21. Channel type: TiltTilt
    Fine channels
    Tilt fine (channel 22)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: TiltTilt 0…260°
  22. Channel type: TiltTilt fine
    Fine channel of Tilt (channel 21)
  23. Channel type: MaintenanceFixture control settings
    DMX values Capability
    0 9Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    10 14Capability type: MaintenanceReset fixtures
    15 15Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    16 17Capability type: MaintenanceReset head motors only
    18 18Capability type: MaintenanceReset pan and tilt
    19 27Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    28 28Capability type: MaintenancePan and tilt speed = fast
    29 29Capability type: MaintenancePan and tilt speed = smooth
    30 30Capability type: MaintenanceParameter shortcuts = on
    31 31Capability type: MaintenanceParameter shortcuts = off
    32 32Capability type: MaintenanceDisable focus tracking
    33 33Capability type: MaintenanceEnable focus tracking
    34 34Capability type: MaintenanceCMY Snap mode (default)
    35 35Capability type: MaintenanceCMY Fade mode
    36 39Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    40 44Capability type: MaintenanceLamp = on
    45 51Capability type: MaintenanceLamp = off
    52 52Capability type: MaintenanceTurn on onboard display
    53 53Capability type: MaintenanceTurn off onboard display
    54 255Capability type: NoFunctionNo function

Something wrong with this fixture definition?

It does not work in your lighting software or you see another problem? Then please help correct it!