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Hong Yi HY-G60

Last modified: Created: Author: DJMaxone.deSourceRevisions
Imported using the QLC+ 4.11.2 plugin on . created by Q Light Controller Plus (version 4.11.2)
Help wanted!You can help to improve this fixture definition! There is no manual for this fixture. Can you provide the link to one?

Physical data

170 × 190 × 150mm width × height × depth
DMX connector


Bulb type
60W white LED


Beam angle


Slot 1: OpenSlot 2: RedSlot 3: OrangeSlot 4: YellowSlot 5: GreenSlot 6: BlueSlot 7: PurpleSlot 8: Cyan
Color Wheel
Slot 1Open
Slot 2Red
Slot 3Orange
Slot 4Yellow
Slot 5Green
Slot 6Blue
Slot 7Purple
Slot 8Cyan
Slot 1: OpenSlot 2: Gobo 1 1 Slot 3: Gobo 2 2 Slot 4: Gobo 3 3 Slot 5: Gobo 4 4 Slot 6: Gobo 5 5 Slot 7: Gobo 6 6 Slot 8: Gobo 7 7
Gobo Wheel
Slot 1Open
Slot 2Gobo 1
Slot 3Gobo 2
Slot 4Gobo 3
Slot 5Gobo 4
Slot 6Gobo 5
Slot 7Gobo 6
Slot 8Gobo 7

11-channel mode 11ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: PanPan
    Fine channels
    Pan fine (channel 2)
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: PanPan 0…540°
  2. Channel type: PanPan fine
    Fine channel of Pan (channel 1)
  3. Channel type: TiltTilt
    Fine channels
    Tilt fine (channel 4)
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: TiltTilt 0…180°
  4. Channel type: TiltTilt fine
    Fine channel of Tilt (channel 3)
  5. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Wheel
    DMX values Capability
    0 10Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    11 21Capability type: WheelSlot, colors: #ffffff, #ff0000Split Open / Red
    22 32Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff0000Red
    33 43Capability type: WheelSlot, colors: #ff0000, #ffaa00Split Red / Orange
    44 54Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffaa00Orange
    55 65Capability type: WheelSlot, colors: #ffaa00, #ffff00Split Orange / Yellow
    66 76Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffff00Yellow
    77 87Capability type: WheelSlot, colors: #ffff00, #19ff00Split Yellow / Green
    88 98Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #19ff00Green
    99 109Capability type: WheelSlot, colors: #19ff00, #0000ffSplit Green / Blue
    110 120Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #0000ffBlue
    121 131Capability type: WheelSlot, colors: #0000ff, #ff01fbSplit Blue / Purple
    132 142Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff01fbPurple
    143 153Capability type: WheelSlot, colors: #ff01fb, #00fbffSplit Purple / Cyan
    154 159Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00fbffCyan
    160 207Capability type: WheelRotationColor Wheel rotation CW slow…fast
    208 255Capability type: WheelRotationColor Wheel rotation CCW slow…fast
  6. Channel type: GoboGobo Wheel
    DMX values Capability
    0 9Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    10 19Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 2 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1
    20 29Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 3 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2
    30 39Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 4 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3
    40 49Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 5 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4
    50 59Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 6 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5
    60 69Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 7 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6
    70 79Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 8 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7
    80 89Capability type: WheelShake, slot 8 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7 shake
    90 99Capability type: WheelShake, slot 7 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6 shake
    100 109Capability type: WheelShake, slot 6 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5 shake
    110 119Capability type: WheelShake, slot 5 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4 shake
    120 129Capability type: WheelShake, slot 4 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3 shake
    130 139Capability type: WheelShake, slot 3 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2 shake
    140 149Capability type: WheelShake, slot 2 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1 shake
    150 202Capability type: WheelRotationGobo Wheel rotation CW slow…fast
    203 255Capability type: WheelRotationGobo Wheel rotation CCW slow…fast
  7. Channel type: StrobeShutter / Strobe
    DMX values Capability
    0 0Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    1 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe slow…fast
  8. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  9. Channel type: SpeedPan/Tilt Speed
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: PanTiltSpeedPan/tilt movement slow…fast
  10. Channel type: EffectInternal Programs
    DMX values Capability
    0 50Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    51 151Capability type: EffectFast Moving
    152 255Capability type: Effect (sound-controlled)Sound Control
  11. Channel type: MaintenanceReset
    DMX values Capability
    0 254Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    255 255Capability type: MaintenanceReset

Something wrong with this fixture definition?

It does not work in your lighting software or you see another problem? Then please help correct it!