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MegaLite Spotbot LED CMY 300

Last modified: Created: Author: Ryan GoodwinSourceRevisions
Help wanted!You can help to improve this fixture definition! Specific questions are included in the capabilities below.

Physical data

431.8 × 685.8 × 260.35mm width × height × depth
DMX connector
3-pin and 5-pin

Power connectors

input and output


Bulb type
LumiEngin 300W LED


Beam angle


Slot 1: OpenSlot 2: RedSlot 3: UVSlot 4: Dark BlueSlot 5: Cyan
Color Selection 1
Slot 1Open
Slot 2Red
Slot 3UV
Slot 4Dark Blue
Slot 5Cyan
Slot 1: OpenSlot 2: Lime GreenSlot 3: OrangeSlot 4: GreenSlot 5: Magenta
Color Selection 2
Slot 1Open
Slot 2Lime Green
Slot 3Orange
Slot 4Green
Slot 5Magenta
Slot 1: OpenSlot 2: 4926KSlot 3: 4260KSlot 4: 3889KSlot 5: Yellow
Color Selection 3
Slot 1Open
Slot 24926K
Slot 34260K
Slot 43889K
Slot 5Yellow
Slot 1: OpenSlot 2: Gobo 1 1 Slot 3: Gobo 2 2 Slot 4: Gobo 3 3 Slot 5: Gobo 4 4 Slot 6: Gobo 5 5 Slot 7: Gobo 6 6 Slot 8: Gobo 7 7 Slot 9: Gobo 8 8 Slot 10: Gobo 9 9 Slot 11: Gobo 10 10
Static Gobo Wheel
Slot 1Open
Slot 2Gobo 1
Slot 3Gobo 2
Slot 4Gobo 3
Slot 5Gobo 4
Slot 6Gobo 5
Slot 7Gobo 6
Slot 8Gobo 7
Slot 9Gobo 8
Slot 10Gobo 9
Slot 11Gobo 10
Slot 1: OpenSlot 2: Gobo 1 1 Slot 3: Gobo 2 2 Slot 4: Gobo 3 3 Slot 5: Gobo 4 4 Slot 6: Gobo 5 5 Slot 7: Gobo 6 6 Slot 8: Gobo 7 7
Rotating Gobo Wheel
Slot 1Open
Slot 2Gobo 1
Slot 3Gobo 2
Slot 4Gobo 3
Slot 5Gobo 4
Slot 6Gobo 5
Slot 7Gobo 6
Slot 8Gobo 7

21-channel mode 21ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: PanPan
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: PanPan 0…540°
  2. Channel type: TiltTilt
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: TiltTilt 0…240°
  3. Channel type: SpeedP/T Speed
    Default DMX value
    Is inverted?
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: PanTiltSpeedPan/tilt movement fast…slow
  4. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  5. Channel type: StrobeShutter
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 3Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    4 103Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 1…18Hz
    104 107Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    108 207Capability type: ShutterStrobePulse strobe 1…18Hz
    208 212Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    213 251Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom strobe 1…18Hz
    252 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
  6. Channel type: Single Color, CyanCyan
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityCyan off…bright
  7. Channel type: Single Color, MagentaMagenta
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityMagenta off…bright
  8. Channel type: Single Color, YellowYellow
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityYellow off…bright
  9. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Selection 1
    DMX values Capability
    0 10Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    11 74Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff0000Red
    75 140Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #3e0694UV
    141 200Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #000070Dark Blue
    201 255Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00ffffCyan
  10. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Selection 2
    DMX values Capability
    0 10Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    11 74Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #70ff00Lime Green
    75 140Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff7000Orange
    141 200Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00ff00Green
    201 255Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff00ffMagenta
  11. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Selection 3
    DMX values Capability
    0 10Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    11 74Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffe3ca4926K
    75 140Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffd7b14260K
    141 200Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffce9f3889K
    201 255Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffff00Yellow
  12. Channel type: GoboStatic Gobo Wheel
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    6 10Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 2 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1
    11 15Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 3 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2
    16 20Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 4 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3
    21 25Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 5 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4
    26 30Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 6 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5
    31 35Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 7 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6
    36 40Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 8 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7
    41 45Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 9 (Gobo 8)Gobo 8
    46 50Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 10 (Gobo 9)Gobo 9
    51 55Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 11 (Gobo 10)Gobo 10
    56 62Capability type: WheelShake, slot 2 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1 shake slow…fast
    63 69Capability type: WheelShake, slot 3 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2 shake slow…fast
    70 76Capability type: WheelShake, slot 4 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3 shake slow…fast
    77 83Capability type: WheelShake, slot 5 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4 shake slow…fast
    84 90Capability type: WheelShake, slot 6 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5 shake slow…fast
    91 97Capability type: WheelShake, slot 7 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6 shake slow…fast
    98 104Capability type: WheelShake, slot 8 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7 shake slow…fast
    105 111Capability type: WheelShake, slot 9 (Gobo 8)Gobo 8 shake slow…fast
    112 118Capability type: WheelShake, slot 10 (Gobo 9)Gobo 9 shake slow…fast
    119 125Capability type: WheelShake, slot 11 (Gobo 10)Gobo 10 shake slow…fast
    126 190Capability type: WheelRotationStatic Gobo Wheel rotation CW fast…slow
    191 255Capability type: WheelRotationStatic Gobo Wheel rotation CCW slow…fast
  13. Channel type: GoboRotating Gobo Wheel
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 7Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    8 15Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 2 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1
    16 23Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 3 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2
    24 31Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 4 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3
    32 39Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 5 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4
    40 47Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 6 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5
    48 55Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 7 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6
    56 63Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 8 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7
    64 71Capability type: WheelShake, slot 2 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1 shake slow…fast
    72 79Capability type: WheelShake, slot 3 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2 shake slow…fast
    80 87Capability type: WheelShake, slot 4 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3 shake slow…fast
    88 95Capability type: WheelShake, slot 5 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4 shake slow…fast
    96 103Capability type: WheelShake, slot 6 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5 shake slow…fast
    104 111Capability type: WheelShake, slot 7 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6 shake slow…fast
    112 119Capability type: WheelShake, slot 8 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7 shake slow…fast
    120 187Capability type: WheelRotationRotating Gobo Wheel rotation CW fast…slow
    188 255Capability type: WheelRotationRotating Gobo Wheel rotation CCW slow…fast
  14. Channel type: SpeedGobo Rotation
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: WheelSlotRotationGobo stencil rotation 0…360°
    128 191Capability type: WheelSlotRotationGobo stencil rotation CW fast…slow
    192 255Capability type: WheelSlotRotationGobo stencil rotation CCW slow…fast
  15. Channel type: IrisIris
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: IrisIris open
    128 191Capability type: IrisEffectIris Pulse Open slow…fast
    192 255Capability type: IrisEffectIris Pulse Close slow…fast
  16. Channel type: PrismPrism
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    128 255Capability type: PrismPrism
  17. Channel type: SpeedPrism Rotation
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: PrismRotationPrism rotation 0…360°
    128 191Capability type: PrismRotationPrism rotation CW slow…fast
    192 255Capability type: PrismRotationPrism rotation CCW fast…slow
  18. Channel type: EffectFrost
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    128 255Capability type: FrostFrost low…high
  19. Channel type: FocusFocus
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: FocusFocus near…far
  20. Channel type: ZoomZoom
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ZoomZoom narrow…wide
  21. Channel type: MaintenanceControl
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 119Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    120 160Capability type: MaintenancePan / Tilt Reset
    161 200Capability type: MaintenanceMotor Function Reset
    201 255Capability type: MaintenanceAll Reset

26-channel mode 26ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: PanPan
    Fine channels
    Pan fine (channel 2)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: PanPan 0…540°
  2. Channel type: PanPan fine
    Fine channel of Pan (channel 1)
  3. Channel type: TiltTilt
    Fine channels
    Tilt fine (channel 4)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: TiltTilt 0…240°
  4. Channel type: TiltTilt fine
    Fine channel of Tilt (channel 3)
  5. Channel type: SpeedP/T Speed
    Default DMX value
    Is inverted?
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: PanTiltSpeedPan/tilt movement fast…slow
  6. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  7. Channel type: StrobeShutter
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 3Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    4 103Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 1…18Hz
    104 107Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    108 207Capability type: ShutterStrobePulse strobe 1…18Hz
    208 212Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    213 251Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom strobe 1…18Hz
    252 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
  8. Channel type: Single Color, CyanCyan
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityCyan off…bright
  9. Channel type: Single Color, MagentaMagenta
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityMagenta off…bright
  10. Channel type: Single Color, YellowYellow
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityYellow off…bright
  11. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Selection 1
    DMX values Capability
    0 10Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    11 74Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff0000Red
    75 140Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #3e0694UV
    141 200Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #000070Dark Blue
    201 255Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00ffffCyan
  12. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Selection 2
    DMX values Capability
    0 10Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    11 74Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #70ff00Lime Green
    75 140Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff7000Orange
    141 200Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00ff00Green
    201 255Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff00ffMagenta
  13. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Selection 3
    DMX values Capability
    0 10Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    11 74Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffe3ca4926K
    75 140Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffd7b14260K
    141 200Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffce9f3889K
    201 255Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffff00Yellow
  14. Channel type: GoboStatic Gobo Wheel
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    6 10Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 2 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1
    11 15Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 3 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2
    16 20Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 4 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3
    21 25Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 5 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4
    26 30Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 6 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5
    31 35Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 7 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6
    36 40Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 8 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7
    41 45Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 9 (Gobo 8)Gobo 8
    46 50Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 10 (Gobo 9)Gobo 9
    51 55Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 11 (Gobo 10)Gobo 10
    56 62Capability type: WheelShake, slot 2 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1 shake slow…fast
    63 69Capability type: WheelShake, slot 3 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2 shake slow…fast
    70 76Capability type: WheelShake, slot 4 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3 shake slow…fast
    77 83Capability type: WheelShake, slot 5 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4 shake slow…fast
    84 90Capability type: WheelShake, slot 6 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5 shake slow…fast
    91 97Capability type: WheelShake, slot 7 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6 shake slow…fast
    98 104Capability type: WheelShake, slot 8 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7 shake slow…fast
    105 111Capability type: WheelShake, slot 9 (Gobo 8)Gobo 8 shake slow…fast
    112 118Capability type: WheelShake, slot 10 (Gobo 9)Gobo 9 shake slow…fast
    119 125Capability type: WheelShake, slot 11 (Gobo 10)Gobo 10 shake slow…fast
    126 190Capability type: WheelRotationStatic Gobo Wheel rotation CW fast…slow
    191 255Capability type: WheelRotationStatic Gobo Wheel rotation CCW slow…fast
  15. Channel type: GoboRotating Gobo Wheel
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 7Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    8 15Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 2 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1
    16 23Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 3 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2
    24 31Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 4 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3
    32 39Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 5 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4
    40 47Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 6 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5
    48 55Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 7 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6
    56 63Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 8 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7
    64 71Capability type: WheelShake, slot 2 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1 shake slow…fast
    72 79Capability type: WheelShake, slot 3 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2 shake slow…fast
    80 87Capability type: WheelShake, slot 4 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3 shake slow…fast
    88 95Capability type: WheelShake, slot 5 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4 shake slow…fast
    96 103Capability type: WheelShake, slot 6 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5 shake slow…fast
    104 111Capability type: WheelShake, slot 7 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6 shake slow…fast
    112 119Capability type: WheelShake, slot 8 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7 shake slow…fast
    120 187Capability type: WheelRotationRotating Gobo Wheel rotation CW fast…slow
    188 255Capability type: WheelRotationRotating Gobo Wheel rotation CCW slow…fast
  16. Channel type: SpeedGobo Rotation
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: WheelSlotRotationGobo stencil rotation 0…360°
    128 191Capability type: WheelSlotRotationGobo stencil rotation CW fast…slow
    192 255Capability type: WheelSlotRotationGobo stencil rotation CCW slow…fast
  17. Channel type: IrisIris
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: IrisIris open
    128 191Capability type: IrisEffectIris Pulse Open slow…fast
    192 255Capability type: IrisEffectIris Pulse Close slow…fast
  18. Channel type: PrismPrism
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    128 255Capability type: PrismPrism
  19. Channel type: SpeedPrism Rotation
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: PrismRotationPrism rotation 0…360°
    128 191Capability type: PrismRotationPrism rotation CW slow…fast
    192 255Capability type: PrismRotationPrism rotation CCW fast…slow
  20. Channel type: EffectFrost
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    128 255Capability type: FrostFrost low…high
  21. Channel type: FocusFocus
    Fine channels
    Focus fine (channel 22)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: FocusFocus near…far
  22. Channel type: FocusFocus fine
    Fine channel of Focus (channel 21)
  23. Channel type: ZoomZoom
    Fine channels
    Zoom fine (channel 24)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: ZoomZoom narrow…wide
  24. Channel type: ZoomZoom fine
    Fine channel of Zoom (channel 23)
  25. Channel type: IntensityAuto Focus Help wanted!
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: GenericAuto Focus (5 positions)
    Help wanted!What are these auto focus positions?
  26. Channel type: MaintenanceControl
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 119Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    120 160Capability type: MaintenancePan / Tilt Reset
    161 200Capability type: MaintenanceMotor Function Reset
    201 255Capability type: MaintenanceAll Reset

Something wrong with this fixture definition?

It does not work in your lighting software or you see another problem? Then please help correct it!