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JB-Lighting JBLED A7

Last modified: Created: Author: Swiftb0ySourceRevisions
Wash RGB LED Moving Head
Help wanted!You can help to improve this fixture definition! Specific questions are included in the capabilities below.

Physical data

315 × 388 × 200mm width × height × depth
DMX connector
3-pin and 5-pin


Bulb type

Standard 8bit mode S8

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: PanPan
    Fine channels
    Pan fine (channel 2)
    Is inverted?
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: PanPan 430…0°
  2. Channel type: PanPan fine
    Fine channel of Pan (channel 1)
  3. Channel type: TiltTilt
    Fine channels
    Tilt fine (channel 4)
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: TiltTilt 0…300°
  4. Channel type: TiltTilt fine
    Fine channel of Tilt (channel 3)
  5. Channel type: Color TemperatureControl
    DMX values Capability
    0 7Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature default (full output power)
    8 15Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature 8500K
    16 23Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature 6500K
    24 31Capability type: EffectLinear color balance for color picker function
    32 207Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    208 215Capability type: MaintenanceCamera mode 50Hz (hold 2s)
    216 223Capability type: MaintenanceCamera mode 60Hz (hold 2s)
    224 231Capability type: MaintenanceCamera mode flex (use device setting) (hold 2s)
    232 239Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    240 247Capability type: MaintenanceReset (hold 2s)
    248 255Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
  6. Channel type: StrobeShutter
    DMX values Capability
    0 15Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    16 95Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    96 110Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp up strobe fast 0.6…4.8s
    111 111Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    112 125Capability type: ShutterStrobePulse strobe slow…fast (fade effect with dimmer)
    126 126Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    127 127Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    128 142Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp up strobe slow 0.6…4.8s
    143 143Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    144 158Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp down strobe 0.6…4.6s
    159 159Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    160 174Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0% speed 0.6…4.8s
    175 175Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    176 190Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 100% speed 0.6…4.8s
    191 191Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    192 206Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom strobe 100% speed 0.6…4.8s
    207 207Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    208 222Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom strobe 0% speed 0.6…4.8s
    223 223Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    224 238Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom pulse strobe 0% speed 0.6…4.8s
    239 239Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    240 254Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom pulse strobe 100% speed 0.6…4.8s
    255 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
  7. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity 0…100%
  8. Channel type: ZoomZoom
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ZoomZoom 12…36° (1/10 peak measurement)
  9. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityRed off…bright
  10. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityGreen off…bright
  11. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityBlue off…bright
  12. Channel type: Color TemperatureCTC
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature 2900…6000K
  13. Channel type: Multi-ColorVirtual Color Wheel Help wanted!
    DMX values Capability
    0 1Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    2 3Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffffffWhite
    4 7Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ffffff, #ff0000White / Red
    8 11Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff0000Red
    12 15Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #ffff00Red / Yellow
    16 19Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffff00Yellow
    20 23Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ffff00, #ff00ffYellow / Magenta
    24 27Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff00ffMagenta
    28 31Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff00ff, #00ff00Magenta / Green
    32 35Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ff00Green
    36 39Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #00ff00, #ffbf00Green / Amber
    40 43Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffbf00Amber
    44 47Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ffbf00, #0000ffAmber / Blue
    48 51Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #0000ffBlue
    52 55Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #0000ff, #00ffffBlue / Cyan
    56 59Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ffffCyan
    60 63Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #00ffff, #ffffffCyan / White
    64 191Capability type: ColorPreset, transition from #ffffff to #ffffffWhite … Red … Yellow … Magenta … Green … Amber … Blue … Cyan … White
    Help wanted!It would be helpful to split up this capability into individual ranges. At which DMX values are the full-color stops located?
    192 222Capability type: EffectColor fade fast…slow
    223 224Capability type: EffectColor fade stop
    225 255Capability type: EffectColor fade reverse slow…fast
  14. Channel type: SpeedPan/Tilt Speed
    Is inverted?
    DMX values Capability
    0 3Capability type: PanTiltSpeedPan/tilt movement instant
    4 255Capability type: PanTiltSpeedPan/tilt movement fast…slow
  15. Channel type: SpeedEffects Delay
    Is inverted?
    DMX values Capability
    0 3Capability type: TimeTime instant
    4 255Capability type: EffectSpeedEffect speed fast…slow
  16. Channel type: MaintenanceBlackout Move
    DMX values Capability
    0 95Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    96 127Capability type: Maintenanceblack out at pan/tilt moves
    128 159Capability type: Maintenanceblack out at color changing
    160 223Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    224 255Capability type: Maintenanceblack out at color changes and pan/tilt moves. Dimmer fade slow…fast

Standard 16bit mode S16

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: PanPan
    Fine channels
    Pan fine (channel 2)
    Is inverted?
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: PanPan 430…0°
  2. Channel type: PanPan fine
    Fine channel of Pan (channel 1)
  3. Channel type: TiltTilt
    Fine channels
    Tilt fine (channel 4)
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: TiltTilt 0…300°
  4. Channel type: TiltTilt fine
    Fine channel of Tilt (channel 3)
  5. Channel type: Color TemperatureControl
    DMX values Capability
    0 7Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature default (full output power)
    8 15Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature 8500K
    16 23Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature 6500K
    24 31Capability type: EffectLinear color balance for color picker function
    32 207Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    208 215Capability type: MaintenanceCamera mode 50Hz (hold 2s)
    216 223Capability type: MaintenanceCamera mode 60Hz (hold 2s)
    224 231Capability type: MaintenanceCamera mode flex (use device setting) (hold 2s)
    232 239Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    240 247Capability type: MaintenanceReset (hold 2s)
    248 255Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
  6. Channel type: StrobeShutter
    DMX values Capability
    0 15Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    16 95Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    96 110Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp up strobe fast 0.6…4.8s
    111 111Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    112 125Capability type: ShutterStrobePulse strobe slow…fast (fade effect with dimmer)
    126 126Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    127 127Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    128 142Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp up strobe slow 0.6…4.8s
    143 143Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    144 158Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp down strobe 0.6…4.6s
    159 159Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    160 174Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0% speed 0.6…4.8s
    175 175Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    176 190Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 100% speed 0.6…4.8s
    191 191Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    192 206Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom strobe 100% speed 0.6…4.8s
    207 207Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    208 222Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom strobe 0% speed 0.6…4.8s
    223 223Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    224 238Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom pulse strobe 0% speed 0.6…4.8s
    239 239Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    240 254Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom pulse strobe 100% speed 0.6…4.8s
    255 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
  7. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity 0…100%
  8. Channel type: ZoomZoom
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ZoomZoom 12…36° (1/10 peak measurement)
  9. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed
    Fine channels
    Red fine (channel 10)
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: ColorIntensityRed off…bright
  10. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed fine
    Fine channel of Red (channel 9)
  11. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen
    Fine channels
    Green fine (channel 12)
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: ColorIntensityGreen off…bright
  12. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen fine
    Fine channel of Green (channel 11)
  13. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue
    Fine channels
    Blue fine (channel 14)
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: ColorIntensityBlue off…bright
  14. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue fine
    Fine channel of Blue (channel 13)
  15. Channel type: Color TemperatureCTC
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature 2900…6000K
  16. Channel type: Multi-ColorVirtual Color Wheel Help wanted!
    DMX values Capability
    0 1Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    2 3Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffffffWhite
    4 7Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ffffff, #ff0000White / Red
    8 11Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff0000Red
    12 15Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #ffff00Red / Yellow
    16 19Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffff00Yellow
    20 23Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ffff00, #ff00ffYellow / Magenta
    24 27Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff00ffMagenta
    28 31Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff00ff, #00ff00Magenta / Green
    32 35Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ff00Green
    36 39Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #00ff00, #ffbf00Green / Amber
    40 43Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffbf00Amber
    44 47Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ffbf00, #0000ffAmber / Blue
    48 51Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #0000ffBlue
    52 55Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #0000ff, #00ffffBlue / Cyan
    56 59Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ffffCyan
    60 63Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #00ffff, #ffffffCyan / White
    64 191Capability type: ColorPreset, transition from #ffffff to #ffffffWhite … Red … Yellow … Magenta … Green … Amber … Blue … Cyan … White
    Help wanted!It would be helpful to split up this capability into individual ranges. At which DMX values are the full-color stops located?
    192 222Capability type: EffectColor fade fast…slow
    223 224Capability type: EffectColor fade stop
    225 255Capability type: EffectColor fade reverse slow…fast
  17. Channel type: SpeedPan/Tilt Speed
    Is inverted?
    DMX values Capability
    0 3Capability type: PanTiltSpeedPan/tilt movement instant
    4 255Capability type: PanTiltSpeedPan/tilt movement fast…slow
  18. Channel type: SpeedEffects Delay
    Is inverted?
    DMX values Capability
    0 3Capability type: TimeTime instant
    4 255Capability type: EffectSpeedEffect speed fast…slow
  19. Channel type: MaintenanceBlackout Move
    DMX values Capability
    0 95Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    96 127Capability type: Maintenanceblack out at pan/tilt moves
    128 159Capability type: Maintenanceblack out at color changing
    160 223Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    224 255Capability type: Maintenanceblack out at color changes and pan/tilt moves. Dimmer fade slow…fast

Compressed 8bit mode C8

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: PanPan
    Fine channels
    Pan fine (channel 2)
    Is inverted?
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: PanPan 430…0°
  2. Channel type: PanPan fine
    Fine channel of Pan (channel 1)
  3. Channel type: TiltTilt
    Fine channels
    Tilt fine (channel 4)
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: TiltTilt 0…300°
  4. Channel type: TiltTilt fine
    Fine channel of Tilt (channel 3)
  5. Channel type: Color TemperatureControl
    DMX values Capability
    0 7Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature default (full output power)
    8 15Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature 8500K
    16 23Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature 6500K
    24 31Capability type: EffectLinear color balance for color picker function
    32 207Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    208 215Capability type: MaintenanceCamera mode 50Hz (hold 2s)
    216 223Capability type: MaintenanceCamera mode 60Hz (hold 2s)
    224 231Capability type: MaintenanceCamera mode flex (use device setting) (hold 2s)
    232 239Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    240 247Capability type: MaintenanceReset (hold 2s)
    248 255Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
  6. Channel type: StrobeShutter
    DMX values Capability
    0 15Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    16 95Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    96 110Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp up strobe fast 0.6…4.8s
    111 111Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    112 125Capability type: ShutterStrobePulse strobe slow…fast (fade effect with dimmer)
    126 126Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    127 127Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    128 142Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp up strobe slow 0.6…4.8s
    143 143Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    144 158Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp down strobe 0.6…4.6s
    159 159Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    160 174Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0% speed 0.6…4.8s
    175 175Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    176 190Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 100% speed 0.6…4.8s
    191 191Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    192 206Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom strobe 100% speed 0.6…4.8s
    207 207Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    208 222Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom strobe 0% speed 0.6…4.8s
    223 223Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    224 238Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom pulse strobe 0% speed 0.6…4.8s
    239 239Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    240 254Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom pulse strobe 100% speed 0.6…4.8s
    255 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
  7. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity 0…100%
  8. Channel type: ZoomZoom
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ZoomZoom 12…36° (1/10 peak measurement)
  9. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityRed off…bright
  10. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityGreen off…bright
  11. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityBlue off…bright
  12. Channel type: Color TemperatureCTC
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature 2900…6000K

Compressed 16bit mode C16

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: PanPan
    Fine channels
    Pan fine (channel 2)
    Is inverted?
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: PanPan 430…0°
  2. Channel type: PanPan fine
    Fine channel of Pan (channel 1)
  3. Channel type: TiltTilt
    Fine channels
    Tilt fine (channel 4)
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: TiltTilt 0…300°
  4. Channel type: TiltTilt fine
    Fine channel of Tilt (channel 3)
  5. Channel type: Color TemperatureControl
    DMX values Capability
    0 7Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature default (full output power)
    8 15Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature 8500K
    16 23Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature 6500K
    24 31Capability type: EffectLinear color balance for color picker function
    32 207Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    208 215Capability type: MaintenanceCamera mode 50Hz (hold 2s)
    216 223Capability type: MaintenanceCamera mode 60Hz (hold 2s)
    224 231Capability type: MaintenanceCamera mode flex (use device setting) (hold 2s)
    232 239Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    240 247Capability type: MaintenanceReset (hold 2s)
    248 255Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
  6. Channel type: StrobeShutter
    DMX values Capability
    0 15Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    16 95Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    96 110Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp up strobe fast 0.6…4.8s
    111 111Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    112 125Capability type: ShutterStrobePulse strobe slow…fast (fade effect with dimmer)
    126 126Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    127 127Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    128 142Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp up strobe slow 0.6…4.8s
    143 143Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    144 158Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp down strobe 0.6…4.6s
    159 159Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    160 174Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0% speed 0.6…4.8s
    175 175Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    176 190Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 100% speed 0.6…4.8s
    191 191Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    192 206Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom strobe 100% speed 0.6…4.8s
    207 207Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    208 222Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom strobe 0% speed 0.6…4.8s
    223 223Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    224 238Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom pulse strobe 0% speed 0.6…4.8s
    239 239Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    240 254Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom pulse strobe 100% speed 0.6…4.8s
    255 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
  7. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity 0…100%
  8. Channel type: ZoomZoom
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ZoomZoom 12…36° (1/10 peak measurement)
  9. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed
    Fine channels
    Red fine (channel 10)
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: ColorIntensityRed off…bright
  10. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed fine
    Fine channel of Red (channel 9)
  11. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen
    Fine channels
    Green fine (channel 12)
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: ColorIntensityGreen off…bright
  12. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen fine
    Fine channel of Green (channel 11)
  13. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue
    Fine channels
    Blue fine (channel 14)
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: ColorIntensityBlue off…bright
  14. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue fine
    Fine channel of Blue (channel 13)
  15. Channel type: Color TemperatureCTC
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorTemperatureColor temperature 2900…6000K

Something wrong with this fixture definition?

It does not work in your lighting software or you see another problem? Then please help correct it!