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Last modified: Created: Author: Flo EdelmannSourceRevisions

Physical data

250 × 250 × 183mm width × height × depth


Bulb type
25× 30W White LEDs, 400× 0.25W RGB LEDs
Color temperature


Beam angle


Front view

Pixel groups

Hover over the pixel groups to highlight the corresponding pixels.
White LEDs
All pixels
All pixels
Layer 1
All pixels
Layer 2
All pixels
Layer 3
All pixels

RGBW 16-bit mode 10ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed
    Fine channels
    Red fine (channel 2)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: ColorIntensityRed off…bright
  2. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed fine
    Fine channel of Red (channel 1)
  3. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen
    Fine channels
    Green fine (channel 4)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: ColorIntensityGreen off…bright
  4. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen fine
    Fine channel of Green (channel 3)
  5. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue
    Fine channels
    Blue fine (channel 6)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: ColorIntensityBlue off…bright
  6. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue fine
    Fine channel of Blue (channel 5)
  7. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite
    Fine channels
    White fine (channel 8)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  8. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite fine
    Fine channel of White (channel 7)
  9. Channel type: StrobeShutter / Strobe
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 4Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    5 39Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp up strobe slow…fast
    40 74Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp down strobe slow…fast
    75 109Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp up and down strobe slow…fast
    110 144Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe slow…fast (Double flash)
    145 179Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe slow…fast (Random pixel)
    180 214Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom strobe slow…fast
    215 249Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0.289…16.67Hz
    250 252Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe (Hyperspeed)
    253 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
  10. Channel type: MaintenanceControl / Settings
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 11Capability type: MaintenanceIdle
    12 38Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    39 41Capability type: MaintenanceDimmer Flash Off (hold 3s)
    42 44Capability type: MaintenanceDimmer Flash On (hold 3s)
    45 47Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    48 50Capability type: MaintenanceDimming curve Soft (hold 3s)
    51 53Capability type: MaintenanceDimming curve Linear (hold 3s)
    54 56Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    57 59Capability type: MaintenanceExtra Shutter RGBW (hold 3s)
    60 62Capability type: MaintenanceExtra Shutter RGB only (hold 3s)
    63 65Capability type: MaintenanceExtra Shutter White only (hold 3s)
    66 68Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    69 71Capability type: MaintenanceFan mode regulated (hold 3s)
    72 74Capability type: MaintenanceFan mode high (hold 3s)
    75 77Capability type: MaintenanceFan mode medium (hold 3s)
    78 80Capability type: MaintenanceFan mode low (hold 3s)
    81 83Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    84 86Capability type: MaintenanceDisplay On (hold 3s)
    87 89Capability type: MaintenanceDisplay Off (hold 3s)
    90 92Capability type: MaintenanceDisplay Auto (hold 3s)
    93 95Capability type: MaintenanceDisplay invert Off (hold 3s)
    96 98Capability type: MaintenanceDisplay invert On (hold 3s)
    99 101Capability type: MaintenanceNo DMX = Capture scene (hold 3s)
    102 104Capability type: MaintenanceNo DMX = Stand-alone (hold 3s)
    105 107Capability type: MaintenanceNo DMX = Blackout (hold 3s)
    108 110Capability type: MaintenanceNo DMX = Hold (hold 3s)
    111 113Capability type: MaintenanceTest pattern On (hold 3s)
    114 116Capability type: MaintenanceTest pattern Off (hold 3s)
    117 119Capability type: MaintenanceRotation Off (hold 3s)
    120 122Capability type: MaintenanceRotation 90° (hold 3s)
    123 125Capability type: MaintenanceRotation 180° (hold 3s)
    126 128Capability type: MaintenanceRotation 270° (hold 3s)
    129 131Capability type: MaintenancePixel mirror Off (hold 3s)
    132 134Capability type: MaintenancePixel mirror On (hold 3s)
    135 137Capability type: MaintenanceWhite output limitation Off (hold 3s)
    138 140Capability type: MaintenanceWhite output limitation 80% (hold 3s)
    141 143Capability type: MaintenanceWhite output limitation 60% (hold 3s)
    144 146Capability type: MaintenanceWhite output limitation 40% (hold 3s)
    147 149Capability type: MaintenanceWhite output limitation 20% (hold 3s)
    150 152Capability type: MaintenanceWhite output limitation 10% (hold 3s)
    153 158Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    159 161Capability type: MaintenanceRGB output limitation Off (hold 3s)
    162 164Capability type: MaintenanceRGB output limitation 80% (hold 3s)
    165 167Capability type: MaintenanceRGB output limitation 60% (hold 3s)
    168 170Capability type: MaintenanceRGB output limitation 40% (hold 3s)
    171 173Capability type: MaintenanceRGB output limitation 20% (hold 3s)
    174 176Capability type: MaintenanceRGB output limitation 10% (hold 3s)
    177 251Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    252 255Capability type: MaintenanceReboot fixture (hold 3s)

White strobe with FX, RGB with FX mode 23ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: IntensityWhite LEDs Dimmer
    Pixel group
    White LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  2. Channel type: SpeedWhite LEDs Flash Duration
    Pixel group
    White LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: StrobeDurationStrobe duration 7…650ms
  3. Channel type: Switching ChannelWhite LEDs Flash Rate / FX Speed Switches depending on trigger channel's value.
    Trigger channel
    White LEDs FX Selection (channel 5)
    1. Channel type: StrobeWhite LEDs Flash Rate (default)
      Activated when
      Trigger channel is set to 0…2
      Pixel group
      White LEDs
      Default DMX value
      DMX values Capability
      0 1Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
      2 250Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0.289…16.67Hz
      251 252Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe (Hyperspeed)
      253 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open (Continuously on)
    2. Channel type: SpeedWhite LEDs FX Speed
      Activated when
      Trigger channel is set to 3…255
      Pixel group
      White LEDs
      Default DMX value
      DMX values Capability
      0 1Capability type: EffectSpeedEffect speed stop
      2 253Capability type: EffectSpeedEffect speed slow…fast
      254 255Capability type: EffectSpeedEffect speed stop
  4. Channel type: EffectWhite LEDs Flare Effect
    Pixel group
    White LEDs
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 9Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    10 49Capability type: EffectFlare effect slow…fast
    50 59Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    60 109Capability type: EffectFlare effect slow…fast (random)
    110 119Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    120 169Capability type: EffectFlare effect slow…fast (random pixel)
    170 255Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
  5. Channel type: EffectWhite LEDs FX Selection
    Pixel group
    White LEDs
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 2Capability type: NoFunctionFX Off
    Channel 3 → White LEDs Flash Rate
    3 5Capability type: EffectSync strobe - circle mask
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    6 8Capability type: EffectSync strobe - 4 dot mask
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    9 11Capability type: EffectSync strobe - 1 dot mask
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    12 14Capability type: EffectRandom strobe - all
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    15 17Capability type: EffectRandom strobe - circle mask
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    18 20Capability type: EffectRandom strobe - 4 dot mask
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    21 23Capability type: EffectRandom strobe - 1 dot mask
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    24 26Capability type: EffectLite in/out - all
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    27 29Capability type: EffectLite in/out - circle mask
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    30 32Capability type: EffectLite in/out - 4 dot mask
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    33 35Capability type: EffectLite in/out - 1 dot mask
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    36 38Capability type: EffectSnake
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    39 41Capability type: EffectRaindrops
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    42 44Capability type: EffectRandom pixel
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    45 47Capability type: EffectRandom fake x 2
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    48 50Capability type: EffectRandom fake x 4
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    51 53Capability type: EffectLine
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    54 56Capability type: EffectDouble line
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    57 59Capability type: EffectCorner to corner line
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    60 62Capability type: EffectTilted double lines
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    63 65Capability type: EffectTilted double lines in to out
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    66 68Capability type: EffectCenter line running dot
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    69 71Capability type: EffectMiddle line running dot
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    72 74Capability type: EffectOuter line running dot
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    75 77Capability type: EffectCorner to corner
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    78 80Capability type: EffectArrow
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    81 83Capability type: EffectWave
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    84 86Capability type: EffectWheel
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    87 89Capability type: EffectHalf wheel
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    90 92Capability type: EffectCircling dot
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    93 95Capability type: EffectOuter circle
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    96 98Capability type: EffectInner circle
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    99 101Capability type: EffectOuter 4 dots
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    102 104Capability type: EffectOuter single dot
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    105 107Capability type: EffectMiddle single dot
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    108 110Capability type: EffectSpinning 2x1 dots
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    111 113Capability type: EffectAsymmetrical 4 dots
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    114 116Capability type: EffectSymmetrical 4 dots
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    117 119Capability type: EffectSquare
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    120 122Capability type: EffectInside out
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    123 125Capability type: EffectInside out 2
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    126 128Capability type: EffectAbstract 1
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    129 131Capability type: EffectAbstract 2
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    132 134Capability type: EffectAbstract 3
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    135 137Capability type: EffectHash tag
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    138 140Capability type: EffectFlip flop
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    141 143Capability type: EffectJumping slash
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    144 146Capability type: EffectJumping 'L'
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    147 149Capability type: EffectJumping pins
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
    150 255Capability type: EffectOff - No Strobe or FX
    Channel 3 → White LEDs FX Speed
  6. Channel type: SpeedWhite LEDs FX Crossfade Time
    Pixel group
    White LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 1Capability type: EffectDurationEffect duration instant
    2 127Capability type: EffectDurationEffect duration short…long (Crossfade)
    128 255Capability type: EffectDurationEffect duration long…short (Crossfade and tail)
  7. Channel type: MaintenanceWhite LEDs Orientation
    Pixel group
    White LEDs
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 4Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    5 9Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 90°
    10 14Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 180°
    15 19Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 270°
    20 24Capability type: MaintenanceHorizontal flip
    25 29Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 90° & vertical flip
    30 34Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 180° & horizontal flip
    35 39Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 270° & vertical flip
    40 44Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    45 49Capability type: MaintenanceRandom rotate & flip
    50 54Capability type: MaintenanceRandom position
    55 59Capability type: MaintenanceFix 90° rotation & random position
    60 64Capability type: MaintenanceFix 180° rotation & random position
    65 69Capability type: MaintenanceFix 270° rotation & random position
    70 74Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    75 79Capability type: MaintenanceBounce
    80 84Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 90°
    85 89Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 180°
    90 94Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 270°
    95 99Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    100 104Capability type: MaintenanceRotate CCW at end
    105 109Capability type: MaintenanceRotate CW at end
    110 114Capability type: MaintenanceRandom rotate at end
    115 134Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    135 139Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 90° (reversed direction)
    140 144Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 180° (reversed direction)
    145 149Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 270° (reversed direction)
    150 154Capability type: MaintenanceHorizontal flip (reversed direction)
    155 159Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 90° & vertical flip (reversed direction)
    160 164Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 180° & horizontal flip (reversed direction)
    165 169Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 270° & vertical flip (reversed direction)
    170 174Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    175 179Capability type: MaintenanceRandom Rotate & flip (reversed direction)
    180 184Capability type: MaintenanceRandom position (reversed direction)
    185 189Capability type: MaintenanceFix 90° rotation & random position (reversed direction)
    190 194Capability type: MaintenanceFix 180° rotation & random position (reversed direction)
    195 199Capability type: MaintenanceFix 270° rotation & random position (reversed direction)
    200 204Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    205 209Capability type: MaintenanceBounce (reversed direction)
    210 214Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 90° (reversed direction)
    215 219Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 180° (reversed direction)
    220 224Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 270° (reversed direction)
    225 229Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    230 234Capability type: MaintenanceRotate CCW at end (reversed direction)
    235 239Capability type: MaintenanceRotate CW at end (reversed direction)
    240 244Capability type: MaintenanceRandom rotate at end (reversed direction)
    245 255Capability type: NoFunctionOff
  8. Channel type: EffectWhite LEDs FX Offset
    Pixel group
    White LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: EffectParameterEffect parameter 0…100%
  9. Channel type: EffectWhite LEDs FX Length
    Pixel group
    White LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: EffectParameterEffect parameter 0…100%
  10. Channel type: IntensityRGB LEDs Dimmer
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  11. Channel type: SpeedRGB LEDs Flash Duration
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: StrobeDurationStrobe duration 7…650ms
  12. Channel type: Switching ChannelRGB LEDs Flash Rate / FX Speed Switches depending on trigger channel's value.
    Trigger channel
    RGB LEDs FX Selection (channel 17)
    1. Channel type: StrobeRGB LEDs Flash Rate (default)
      Activated when
      Trigger channel is set to 0…2
      Pixel group
      RGB LEDs
      Default DMX value
      DMX values Capability
      0 1Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
      2 250Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0.289…16.67Hz
      251 252Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe (Hyperspeed)
      253 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open (Continuously on)
    2. Channel type: SpeedRGB LEDs FX Speed
      Activated when
      Trigger channel is set to 3…255
      Pixel group
      RGB LEDs
      Default DMX value
      DMX values Capability
      0 1Capability type: EffectSpeedEffect speed stop
      2 253Capability type: EffectSpeedEffect speed slow…fast
      254 255Capability type: EffectSpeedEffect speed stop
  13. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityRed off…bright
  14. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityGreen off…bright
  15. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityBlue off…bright
  16. Channel type: EffectRGB LEDs Flare Effect
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 9Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    10 49Capability type: EffectFlare effect slow…fast
    50 59Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    60 109Capability type: EffectFlare effect slow…fast (random)
    110 119Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    120 169Capability type: EffectFlare effect slow…fast (random pixel)
    170 255Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
  17. Channel type: EffectRGB LEDs FX Selection
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 2Capability type: NoFunctionFX Off
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs Flash Rate
    3 5Capability type: EffectSync strobe - circle mask
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    6 8Capability type: EffectSync strobe - 4 dot mask
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    9 11Capability type: EffectSync strobe - 1 dot mask
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    12 14Capability type: EffectRandom strobe - all
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    15 17Capability type: EffectRandom strobe - circle mask
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    18 20Capability type: EffectRandom strobe - 4 dot mask
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    21 23Capability type: EffectRandom strobe - 1 dot mask
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    24 26Capability type: EffectLite in/out - all
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    27 29Capability type: EffectLite in/out - circle mask
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    30 32Capability type: EffectLite in/out - 4 dot mask
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    33 35Capability type: EffectLite in/out - 1 dot mask
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    36 38Capability type: EffectSnake
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    39 41Capability type: EffectRaindrops
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    42 44Capability type: EffectRandom pixel
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    45 47Capability type: EffectRandom fake x 2
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    48 50Capability type: EffectRandom fake x 4
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    51 53Capability type: EffectLine
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    54 56Capability type: EffectDouble line
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    57 59Capability type: EffectCorner to corner line
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    60 62Capability type: EffectTilted double lines
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    63 65Capability type: EffectTilted double lines in to out
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    66 68Capability type: EffectCenter line running dot
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    69 71Capability type: EffectMiddle line running dot
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    72 74Capability type: EffectOuter line running dot
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    75 77Capability type: EffectCorner to corner
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    78 80Capability type: EffectArrow
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    81 83Capability type: EffectWave
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    84 86Capability type: EffectWheel
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    87 89Capability type: EffectHalf wheel
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    90 92Capability type: EffectCircling dot
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    93 95Capability type: EffectOuter circle
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    96 98Capability type: EffectInner circle
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    99 101Capability type: EffectOuter 4 dots
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    102 104Capability type: EffectOuter single dot
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    105 107Capability type: EffectMiddle single dot
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    108 110Capability type: EffectSpinning 2x1 dots
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    111 113Capability type: EffectAsymmetrical 4 dots
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    114 116Capability type: EffectSymmetrical 4 dots
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    117 119Capability type: EffectSquare
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    120 122Capability type: EffectInside out
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    123 125Capability type: EffectInside out 2
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    126 128Capability type: EffectAbstract 1
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    129 131Capability type: EffectAbstract 2
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    132 134Capability type: EffectAbstract 3
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    135 137Capability type: EffectHash tag
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    138 140Capability type: EffectFlip flop
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    141 143Capability type: EffectJumping slash
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    144 146Capability type: EffectJumping 'L'
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    147 149Capability type: EffectJumping pins
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    150 255Capability type: EffectOff - No Strobe or FX
    Channel 12 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
  18. Channel type: SpeedRGB LEDs FX Crossfade Time
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 1Capability type: EffectDurationEffect duration instant
    2 127Capability type: EffectDurationEffect duration short…long (Crossfade)
    128 255Capability type: EffectDurationEffect duration long…short (Crossfade and tail)
  19. Channel type: MaintenanceRGB LEDs Orientation
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 4Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    5 9Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 90°
    10 14Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 180°
    15 19Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 270°
    20 24Capability type: MaintenanceHorizontal flip
    25 29Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 90° & vertical flip
    30 34Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 180° & horizontal flip
    35 39Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 270° & vertical flip
    40 44Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    45 49Capability type: MaintenanceRandom rotate & flip
    50 54Capability type: MaintenanceRandom position
    55 59Capability type: MaintenanceFix 90° rotation & random position
    60 64Capability type: MaintenanceFix 180° rotation & random position
    65 69Capability type: MaintenanceFix 270° rotation & random position
    70 74Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    75 79Capability type: MaintenanceBounce
    80 84Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 90°
    85 89Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 180°
    90 94Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 270°
    95 99Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    100 104Capability type: MaintenanceRotate CCW at end
    105 109Capability type: MaintenanceRotate CW at end
    110 114Capability type: MaintenanceRandom rotate at end
    115 134Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    135 139Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 90° (reversed direction)
    140 144Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 180° (reversed direction)
    145 149Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 270° (reversed direction)
    150 154Capability type: MaintenanceHorizontal flip (reversed direction)
    155 159Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 90° & vertical flip (reversed direction)
    160 164Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 180° & horizontal flip (reversed direction)
    165 169Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 270° & vertical flip (reversed direction)
    170 174Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    175 179Capability type: MaintenanceRandom Rotate & flip (reversed direction)
    180 184Capability type: MaintenanceRandom position (reversed direction)
    185 189Capability type: MaintenanceFix 90° rotation & random position (reversed direction)
    190 194Capability type: MaintenanceFix 180° rotation & random position (reversed direction)
    195 199Capability type: MaintenanceFix 270° rotation & random position (reversed direction)
    200 204Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    205 209Capability type: MaintenanceBounce (reversed direction)
    210 214Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 90° (reversed direction)
    215 219Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 180° (reversed direction)
    220 224Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 270° (reversed direction)
    225 229Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    230 234Capability type: MaintenanceRotate CCW at end (reversed direction)
    235 239Capability type: MaintenanceRotate CW at end (reversed direction)
    240 244Capability type: MaintenanceRandom rotate at end (reversed direction)
    245 255Capability type: NoFunctionOff
  20. Channel type: EffectRGB LEDs FX Offset
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: EffectParameterEffect parameter 0…100%
  21. Channel type: EffectRGB LEDs FX Length
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: EffectParameterEffect parameter 0…100%
  22. Channel type: Multi-ColorRGB LEDs FX Color Generator
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 9Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    10 19Capability type: EffectRandom all pixels RGBCMY
    20 29Capability type: EffectRandom single pixel RGBCMY
    30 39Capability type: EffectRandom all pixels bright colors
    40 49Capability type: EffectRandom single pixel bright colors
    50 59Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #0000ffRed / Blue
    60 69Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #00ff00Red / Green
    70 79Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #0000ff, #00ff00Blue / Green
    80 89Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ffff00, #ff00ffYellow / Magenta
    90 99Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ffff00, #00ffffYellow / Cyan
    100 109Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #00ffff, #ff00ffCyan / Magenta
    110 119Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ffff00, #0000ffYellow / Blue
    120 129Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #00ff00, #ff00ffGreen / Magenta
    130 139Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ffRed / Green / Blue
    140 149Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #ffff00, #0000ffRed / Yellow / Blue
    150 159Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ff, #ffff00, #ff00ff, #00ffffRed / Green / Blue / Yellow / Magenta / Cyan
    160 169Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ffRed / Green / Blue - Horizontal line
    170 179Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ffRed / Green / Blue - Vertical line
    180 219Capability type: EffectColor fade stop
    220 229Capability type: EffectColor fade slow…fast
    230 239Capability type: EffectLite in
    240 249Capability type: EffectLite out
    250 255Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
  23. Channel type: MaintenanceControl / Settings
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 11Capability type: MaintenanceIdle
    12 38Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    39 41Capability type: MaintenanceDimmer Flash Off (hold 3s)
    42 44Capability type: MaintenanceDimmer Flash On (hold 3s)
    45 47Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    48 50Capability type: MaintenanceDimming curve Soft (hold 3s)
    51 53Capability type: MaintenanceDimming curve Linear (hold 3s)
    54 56Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    57 59Capability type: MaintenanceExtra Shutter RGBW (hold 3s)
    60 62Capability type: MaintenanceExtra Shutter RGB only (hold 3s)
    63 65Capability type: MaintenanceExtra Shutter White only (hold 3s)
    66 68Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    69 71Capability type: MaintenanceFan mode regulated (hold 3s)
    72 74Capability type: MaintenanceFan mode high (hold 3s)
    75 77Capability type: MaintenanceFan mode medium (hold 3s)
    78 80Capability type: MaintenanceFan mode low (hold 3s)
    81 83Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    84 86Capability type: MaintenanceDisplay On (hold 3s)
    87 89Capability type: MaintenanceDisplay Off (hold 3s)
    90 92Capability type: MaintenanceDisplay Auto (hold 3s)
    93 95Capability type: MaintenanceDisplay invert Off (hold 3s)
    96 98Capability type: MaintenanceDisplay invert On (hold 3s)
    99 101Capability type: MaintenanceNo DMX = Capture scene (hold 3s)
    102 104Capability type: MaintenanceNo DMX = Stand-alone (hold 3s)
    105 107Capability type: MaintenanceNo DMX = Blackout (hold 3s)
    108 110Capability type: MaintenanceNo DMX = Hold (hold 3s)
    111 113Capability type: MaintenanceTest pattern On (hold 3s)
    114 116Capability type: MaintenanceTest pattern Off (hold 3s)
    117 119Capability type: MaintenanceRotation Off (hold 3s)
    120 122Capability type: MaintenanceRotation 90° (hold 3s)
    123 125Capability type: MaintenanceRotation 180° (hold 3s)
    126 128Capability type: MaintenanceRotation 270° (hold 3s)
    129 131Capability type: MaintenancePixel mirror Off (hold 3s)
    132 134Capability type: MaintenancePixel mirror On (hold 3s)
    135 137Capability type: MaintenanceWhite output limitation Off (hold 3s)
    138 140Capability type: MaintenanceWhite output limitation 80% (hold 3s)
    141 143Capability type: MaintenanceWhite output limitation 60% (hold 3s)
    144 146Capability type: MaintenanceWhite output limitation 40% (hold 3s)
    147 149Capability type: MaintenanceWhite output limitation 20% (hold 3s)
    150 152Capability type: MaintenanceWhite output limitation 10% (hold 3s)
    153 158Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    159 161Capability type: MaintenanceRGB output limitation Off (hold 3s)
    162 164Capability type: MaintenanceRGB output limitation 80% (hold 3s)
    165 167Capability type: MaintenanceRGB output limitation 60% (hold 3s)
    168 170Capability type: MaintenanceRGB output limitation 40% (hold 3s)
    171 173Capability type: MaintenanceRGB output limitation 20% (hold 3s)
    174 176Capability type: MaintenanceRGB output limitation 10% (hold 3s)
    177 251Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    252 255Capability type: MaintenanceReboot fixture (hold 3s)

RGB strobe with FX, White 25-pixel mode 40ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: IntensityRGB LEDs Dimmer
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  2. Channel type: SpeedRGB LEDs Flash Duration
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: StrobeDurationStrobe duration 7…650ms
  3. Channel type: Switching ChannelRGB LEDs Flash Rate / FX Speed Switches depending on trigger channel's value.
    Trigger channel
    RGB LEDs FX Selection (channel 8)
    1. Channel type: StrobeRGB LEDs Flash Rate (default)
      Activated when
      Trigger channel is set to 0…2
      Pixel group
      RGB LEDs
      Default DMX value
      DMX values Capability
      0 1Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
      2 250Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0.289…16.67Hz
      251 252Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe (Hyperspeed)
      253 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open (Continuously on)
    2. Channel type: SpeedRGB LEDs FX Speed
      Activated when
      Trigger channel is set to 3…255
      Pixel group
      RGB LEDs
      Default DMX value
      DMX values Capability
      0 1Capability type: EffectSpeedEffect speed stop
      2 253Capability type: EffectSpeedEffect speed slow…fast
      254 255Capability type: EffectSpeedEffect speed stop
  4. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityRed off…bright
  5. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityGreen off…bright
  6. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityBlue off…bright
  7. Channel type: EffectRGB LEDs Flare Effect
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 9Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    10 49Capability type: EffectFlare effect slow…fast
    50 59Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    60 109Capability type: EffectFlare effect slow…fast (random)
    110 119Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    120 169Capability type: EffectFlare effect slow…fast (random pixel)
    170 255Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
  8. Channel type: EffectRGB LEDs FX Selection
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 2Capability type: NoFunctionFX Off
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs Flash Rate
    3 5Capability type: EffectSync strobe - circle mask
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    6 8Capability type: EffectSync strobe - 4 dot mask
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    9 11Capability type: EffectSync strobe - 1 dot mask
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    12 14Capability type: EffectRandom strobe - all
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    15 17Capability type: EffectRandom strobe - circle mask
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    18 20Capability type: EffectRandom strobe - 4 dot mask
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    21 23Capability type: EffectRandom strobe - 1 dot mask
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    24 26Capability type: EffectLite in/out - all
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    27 29Capability type: EffectLite in/out - circle mask
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    30 32Capability type: EffectLite in/out - 4 dot mask
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    33 35Capability type: EffectLite in/out - 1 dot mask
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    36 38Capability type: EffectSnake
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    39 41Capability type: EffectRaindrops
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    42 44Capability type: EffectRandom pixel
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    45 47Capability type: EffectRandom fake x 2
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    48 50Capability type: EffectRandom fake x 4
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    51 53Capability type: EffectLine
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    54 56Capability type: EffectDouble line
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    57 59Capability type: EffectCorner to corner line
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    60 62Capability type: EffectTilted double lines
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    63 65Capability type: EffectTilted double lines in to out
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    66 68Capability type: EffectCenter line running dot
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    69 71Capability type: EffectMiddle line running dot
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    72 74Capability type: EffectOuter line running dot
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    75 77Capability type: EffectCorner to corner
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    78 80Capability type: EffectArrow
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    81 83Capability type: EffectWave
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    84 86Capability type: EffectWheel
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    87 89Capability type: EffectHalf wheel
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    90 92Capability type: EffectCircling dot
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    93 95Capability type: EffectOuter circle
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    96 98Capability type: EffectInner circle
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    99 101Capability type: EffectOuter 4 dots
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    102 104Capability type: EffectOuter single dot
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    105 107Capability type: EffectMiddle single dot
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    108 110Capability type: EffectSpinning 2x1 dots
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    111 113Capability type: EffectAsymmetrical 4 dots
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    114 116Capability type: EffectSymmetrical 4 dots
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    117 119Capability type: EffectSquare
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    120 122Capability type: EffectInside out
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    123 125Capability type: EffectInside out 2
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    126 128Capability type: EffectAbstract 1
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    129 131Capability type: EffectAbstract 2
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    132 134Capability type: EffectAbstract 3
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    135 137Capability type: EffectHash tag
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    138 140Capability type: EffectFlip flop
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    141 143Capability type: EffectJumping slash
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    144 146Capability type: EffectJumping 'L'
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    147 149Capability type: EffectJumping pins
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
    150 255Capability type: EffectOff - No Strobe or FX
    Channel 3 → RGB LEDs FX Speed
  9. Channel type: SpeedRGB LEDs FX Crossfade Time
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 1Capability type: EffectDurationEffect duration instant
    2 127Capability type: EffectDurationEffect duration short…long (Crossfade)
    128 255Capability type: EffectDurationEffect duration long…short (Crossfade and tail)
  10. Channel type: MaintenanceRGB LEDs Orientation
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 4Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    5 9Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 90°
    10 14Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 180°
    15 19Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 270°
    20 24Capability type: MaintenanceHorizontal flip
    25 29Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 90° & vertical flip
    30 34Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 180° & horizontal flip
    35 39Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 270° & vertical flip
    40 44Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    45 49Capability type: MaintenanceRandom rotate & flip
    50 54Capability type: MaintenanceRandom position
    55 59Capability type: MaintenanceFix 90° rotation & random position
    60 64Capability type: MaintenanceFix 180° rotation & random position
    65 69Capability type: MaintenanceFix 270° rotation & random position
    70 74Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    75 79Capability type: MaintenanceBounce
    80 84Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 90°
    85 89Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 180°
    90 94Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 270°
    95 99Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    100 104Capability type: MaintenanceRotate CCW at end
    105 109Capability type: MaintenanceRotate CW at end
    110 114Capability type: MaintenanceRandom rotate at end
    115 134Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    135 139Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 90° (reversed direction)
    140 144Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 180° (reversed direction)
    145 149Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 270° (reversed direction)
    150 154Capability type: MaintenanceHorizontal flip (reversed direction)
    155 159Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 90° & vertical flip (reversed direction)
    160 164Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 180° & horizontal flip (reversed direction)
    165 169Capability type: MaintenanceRotate 270° & vertical flip (reversed direction)
    170 174Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    175 179Capability type: MaintenanceRandom Rotate & flip (reversed direction)
    180 184Capability type: MaintenanceRandom position (reversed direction)
    185 189Capability type: MaintenanceFix 90° rotation & random position (reversed direction)
    190 194Capability type: MaintenanceFix 180° rotation & random position (reversed direction)
    195 199Capability type: MaintenanceFix 270° rotation & random position (reversed direction)
    200 204Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    205 209Capability type: MaintenanceBounce (reversed direction)
    210 214Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 90° (reversed direction)
    215 219Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 180° (reversed direction)
    220 224Capability type: MaintenanceBounce & rotate 270° (reversed direction)
    225 229Capability type: NoFunctionOff
    230 234Capability type: MaintenanceRotate CCW at end (reversed direction)
    235 239Capability type: MaintenanceRotate CW at end (reversed direction)
    240 244Capability type: MaintenanceRandom rotate at end (reversed direction)
    245 255Capability type: NoFunctionOff
  11. Channel type: EffectRGB LEDs FX Offset
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: EffectParameterEffect parameter 0…100%
  12. Channel type: EffectRGB LEDs FX Length
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: EffectParameterEffect parameter 0…100%
  13. Channel type: Multi-ColorRGB LEDs FX Color Generator
    Pixel group
    RGB LEDs
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 9Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    10 19Capability type: EffectRandom all pixels RGBCMY
    20 29Capability type: EffectRandom single pixel RGBCMY
    30 39Capability type: EffectRandom all pixels bright colors
    40 49Capability type: EffectRandom single pixel bright colors
    50 59Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #0000ffRed / Blue
    60 69Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #00ff00Red / Green
    70 79Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #0000ff, #00ff00Blue / Green
    80 89Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ffff00, #ff00ffYellow / Magenta
    90 99Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ffff00, #00ffffYellow / Cyan
    100 109Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #00ffff, #ff00ffCyan / Magenta
    110 119Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ffff00, #0000ffYellow / Blue
    120 129Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #00ff00, #ff00ffGreen / Magenta
    130 139Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ffRed / Green / Blue
    140 149Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #ffff00, #0000ffRed / Yellow / Blue
    150 159Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ff, #ffff00, #ff00ff, #00ffffRed / Green / Blue / Yellow / Magenta / Cyan
    160 169Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ffRed / Green / Blue - Horizontal line
    170 179Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ffRed / Green / Blue - Vertical line
    180 219Capability type: EffectColor fade stop
    220 229Capability type: EffectColor fade slow…fast
    230 239Capability type: EffectLite in
    240 249Capability type: EffectLite out
    250 255Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
  14. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 1
    Pixel position
    (1, 1, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  15. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 2
    Pixel position
    (2, 1, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  16. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 3
    Pixel position
    (3, 1, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  17. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 4
    Pixel position
    (4, 1, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  18. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 5
    Pixel position
    (5, 1, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  19. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 6
    Pixel position
    (1, 2, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  20. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 7
    Pixel position
    (2, 2, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  21. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 8
    Pixel position
    (3, 2, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  22. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 9
    Pixel position
    (4, 2, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  23. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 10
    Pixel position
    (5, 2, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  24. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 11
    Pixel position
    (1, 3, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  25. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 12
    Pixel position
    (2, 3, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  26. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 13
    Pixel position
    (3, 3, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  27. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 14
    Pixel position
    (4, 3, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  28. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 15
    Pixel position
    (5, 3, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  29. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 16
    Pixel position
    (1, 4, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  30. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 17
    Pixel position
    (2, 4, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  31. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 18
    Pixel position
    (3, 4, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  32. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 19
    Pixel position
    (4, 4, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  33. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 20
    Pixel position
    (5, 4, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  34. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 21
    Pixel position
    (1, 5, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  35. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 22
    Pixel position
    (2, 5, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  36. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 23
    Pixel position
    (3, 5, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  37. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 24
    Pixel position
    (4, 5, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  38. Channel type: Single Color, WhiteWhite Pixel 25
    Pixel position
    (5, 5, 1) (X, Y, Z)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityWhite off…bright
  39. Channel type: StrobeWhite LEDs Shutter / Strobe
    Pixel group
    White LEDs
    Default DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 4Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    5 39Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp up strobe slow…fast
    40 74Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp down strobe slow…fast
    75 109Capability type: ShutterStrobeRamp up and down strobe slow…fast
    110 144