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cameo Thunder Wash 100 RGB CLTW100RGB

Last modified: Created: Author: Flo EdelmannSourceRevisions
Earlier models of this fixture don't have the 6ch2 mode, just one 6ch mode.

Physical data

310 × 70 × 70mm width × height × depth
DMX connector


Bulb type


Beam angle

1-channel mode 1ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: StrobeStrobestrobe1
    Highlight DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 10Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    11 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0…30Hz

2-channel 1 mode 2ch1

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  2. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Macros
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #000000Color off
    6 13Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff0000Red
    14 21Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffbf00Amber
    22 29Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #f9d716Yellow (warm)
    30 37Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffff00Yellow
    38 45Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ff00Green
    46 53Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #40e0d0Turquoise
    54 61Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ffffCyan
    62 69Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #0000ffBlue
    70 77Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #e6e6faLavender
    78 85Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #e0b0ffMauve
    86 93Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff00ffMagenta
    94 101Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffc0cbPink
    102 109Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #fffbf2White (warm)
    110 117Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffffffWhite
    118 125Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #f2f6feWhite (cold)
    126 128Capability type: EffectColor jump stop
    129 192Capability type: EffectColor jump slow…fast
    193 255Capability type: EffectColor fade slow…fast

2-channel 2 mode 2ch2

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  2. Channel type: StrobeStrobestrobe2
    Highlight DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    6 10Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    11 250Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0…30Hz
    251 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open

3-channel 1 mode 3ch1

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  2. Channel type: StrobeStrobestrobe2
    Highlight DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    6 10Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    11 250Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0…30Hz
    251 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
  3. Channel type: SpeedFlash Duration
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: StrobeDurationStrobe duration 0…512ms

3-channel 2 mode 3ch2

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  2. Channel type: StrobeStrobestrobe2
    Highlight DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    6 10Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    11 250Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0…30Hz
    251 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
  3. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Macros
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #000000Color off
    6 13Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff0000Red
    14 21Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffbf00Amber
    22 29Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #f9d716Yellow (warm)
    30 37Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffff00Yellow
    38 45Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ff00Green
    46 53Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #40e0d0Turquoise
    54 61Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ffffCyan
    62 69Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #0000ffBlue
    70 77Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #e6e6faLavender
    78 85Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #e0b0ffMauve
    86 93Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff00ffMagenta
    94 101Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffc0cbPink
    102 109Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #fffbf2White (warm)
    110 117Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffffffWhite
    118 125Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #f2f6feWhite (cold)
    126 128Capability type: EffectColor jump stop
    129 192Capability type: EffectColor jump slow…fast
    193 255Capability type: EffectColor fade slow…fast

3-channel 3 mode 3ch3

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityRed off…bright
  2. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityGreen off…bright
  3. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityBlue off…bright

4-channel mode 4ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  2. Channel type: StrobeStrobestrobe3
    Highlight DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    6 10Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    11 33Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom pulse strobe slow…fast
    34 56Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom ramp up strobe slow…fast
    57 79Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom ramp down strobe slow…fast
    80 102Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom strobe slow…fast
    103 127Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 5…1s (Break Effect)
    128 250Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0…30Hz
    251 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
  3. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Macros
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #000000Color off
    6 13Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff0000Red
    14 21Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffbf00Amber
    22 29Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #f9d716Yellow (warm)
    30 37Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffff00Yellow
    38 45Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ff00Green
    46 53Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #40e0d0Turquoise
    54 61Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ffffCyan
    62 69Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #0000ffBlue
    70 77Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #e6e6faLavender
    78 85Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #e0b0ffMauve
    86 93Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff00ffMagenta
    94 101Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffc0cbPink
    102 109Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #fffbf2White (warm)
    110 117Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffffffWhite
    118 125Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #f2f6feWhite (cold)
    126 128Capability type: EffectColor jump stop
    129 192Capability type: EffectColor jump slow…fast
    193 255Capability type: EffectColor fade slow…fast
  4. Channel type: EffectSound Control
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: SoundSensitivitySound sensitivity off
    6 255Capability type: SoundSensitivitySound sensitivity low…high

6-channel 1 mode 6ch1

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  2. Channel type: StrobeStrobestrobe3
    Highlight DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    6 10Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    11 33Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom pulse strobe slow…fast
    34 56Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom ramp up strobe slow…fast
    57 79Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom ramp down strobe slow…fast
    80 102Capability type: ShutterStrobeRandom strobe slow…fast
    103 127Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 5…1s (Break Effect)
    128 250Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0…30Hz
    251 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
  3. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityRed off…bright
  4. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityGreen off…bright
  5. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityBlue off…bright
  6. Channel type: EffectSound Control
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: SoundSensitivitySound sensitivity off
    6 255Capability type: SoundSensitivitySound sensitivity low…high

6-channel 2 mode 6ch2

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  2. Channel type: StrobeStrobestrobe2
    Highlight DMX value
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    6 10Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    11 250Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 0…30Hz
    251 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
  3. Channel type: SpeedFlash Duration
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: StrobeDurationStrobe duration 0…512ms
  4. Channel type: Single Color, RedRed
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityRed off…bright
  5. Channel type: Single Color, GreenGreen
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityGreen off…bright
  6. Channel type: Single Color, BlueBlue
    Highlight DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: ColorIntensityBlue off…bright

Something wrong with this fixture definition?

It does not work in your lighting software or you see another problem? Then please help correct it!