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Last modified: Created: Author: Felix EdelmannSourceRevisions
Help wanted!You can help to improve this fixture definition! Specific questions are included in the capabilities below.

Physical data

188 × 201 × 210mm width × height × depth
DMX connector


Bulb type
110 mW red laser (637 nm), 120 mW green DPSS laser (532 nm), 400 mW blue laser (447 nm)

4-channel mode 4ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: EffectProgram
    DMX values Capability
    0 9Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed (Laser off)
    10 59Capability type: EffectAuto mode: Cartoon graphics
    60 109Capability type: EffectAuto mode: Beam graphics
    110 159Capability type: Effect (sound-controlled)Sound mode: Beam graphics
    160 209Capability type: Effect (sound-controlled)Sound mode: Cartoon graphics
    210 255Capability type: NoFunctionDMX mode
  2. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Presets Help wanted!
    DMX values Capability
    0 7Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ffRGB
    Help wanted!Does this mix to white or are there individual red, green and blue beams?
    8 15Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffffffWhite
    16 23Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff0000Red
    24 31Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffff00Yellow
    32 39Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ff00Green
    40 47Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ffffCyan
    48 55Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #0000ffBlue
    56 63Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff00ffMagenta
    64 127Capability type: EffectColor jump slow…fast
    128 191Capability type: EffectMultiple color mode slow…fast
    192 255Capability type: EffectColor fade slow…fast
  3. Channel type: EffectPattern Select
    DMX values Capability
    0 1Capability type: EffectPattern 1
    2 3Capability type: EffectPattern 2
    4 5Capability type: EffectPattern 3
    6 7Capability type: EffectPattern 4
    8 9Capability type: EffectPattern 5
    10 11Capability type: EffectPattern 6
    12 13Capability type: EffectPattern 7
    14 15Capability type: EffectPattern 8
    16 17Capability type: EffectPattern 9
    18 19Capability type: EffectPattern 10
    20 21Capability type: EffectPattern 11
    22 23Capability type: EffectPattern 12
    24 25Capability type: EffectPattern 13
    26 27Capability type: EffectPattern 14
    28 29Capability type: EffectPattern 15
    30 31Capability type: EffectPattern 16
    32 33Capability type: EffectPattern 17
    34 35Capability type: EffectPattern 18
    36 37Capability type: EffectPattern 19
    38 39Capability type: EffectPattern 20
    40 41Capability type: EffectPattern 21
    42 43Capability type: EffectPattern 22
    44 45Capability type: EffectPattern 23
    46 47Capability type: EffectPattern 24
    48 49Capability type: EffectPattern 25
    50 51Capability type: EffectPattern 26
    52 53Capability type: EffectPattern 27
    54 55Capability type: EffectPattern 28
    56 57Capability type: EffectPattern 29
    58 59Capability type: EffectPattern 30
    60 61Capability type: EffectPattern 31
    62 63Capability type: EffectPattern 32
    64 65Capability type: EffectPattern 33
    66 67Capability type: EffectPattern 34
    68 69Capability type: EffectPattern 35
    70 71Capability type: EffectPattern 36
    72 73Capability type: EffectPattern 37
    74 75Capability type: EffectPattern 38
    76 77Capability type: EffectPattern 39
    78 79Capability type: EffectPattern 40
    80 81Capability type: EffectPattern 41
    82 83Capability type: EffectPattern 42
    84 85Capability type: EffectPattern 43
    86 87Capability type: EffectPattern 44
    88 89Capability type: EffectPattern 45
    90 91Capability type: EffectPattern 46
    92 93Capability type: EffectPattern 47
    94 95Capability type: EffectPattern 48
    96 97Capability type: EffectPattern 49
    98 99Capability type: EffectPattern 50
    100 101Capability type: EffectPattern 51
    102 103Capability type: EffectPattern 52
    104 105Capability type: EffectPattern 53
    106 107Capability type: EffectPattern 54
    108 109Capability type: EffectPattern 55
    110 111Capability type: EffectPattern 56
    112 113Capability type: EffectPattern 57
    114 115Capability type: EffectPattern 58
    116 117Capability type: EffectPattern 59
    118 119Capability type: EffectPattern 60
    120 121Capability type: EffectPattern 61
    122 123Capability type: EffectPattern 62
    124 125Capability type: EffectPattern 63
    126 127Capability type: EffectPattern 64
    128 129Capability type: EffectPattern 65
    130 131Capability type: EffectPattern 66
    132 133Capability type: EffectPattern 67
    134 135Capability type: EffectPattern 68
    136 137Capability type: EffectPattern 69
    138 139Capability type: EffectPattern 70
    140 141Capability type: EffectPattern 71
    142 143Capability type: EffectPattern 72
    144 145Capability type: EffectPattern 73
    146 147Capability type: EffectPattern 74
    148 149Capability type: EffectPattern 75
    150 151Capability type: EffectPattern 76
    152 153Capability type: EffectPattern 77
    154 155Capability type: EffectPattern 78
    156 157Capability type: EffectPattern 79
    158 159Capability type: EffectPattern 80
    160 161Capability type: EffectPattern 81
    162 163Capability type: EffectPattern 82
    164 165Capability type: EffectPattern 83
    166 167Capability type: EffectPattern 84
    168 169Capability type: EffectPattern 85
    170 171Capability type: EffectPattern 86
    172 173Capability type: EffectPattern 87
    174 175Capability type: EffectPattern 88
    176 177Capability type: EffectPattern 89
    178 179Capability type: EffectPattern 90
    180 181Capability type: EffectPattern 91
    182 183Capability type: EffectPattern 92
    184 185Capability type: EffectPattern 93
    186 187Capability type: EffectPattern 94
    188 189Capability type: EffectPattern 95
    190 191Capability type: EffectPattern 96
    192 193Capability type: EffectPattern 97
    194 195Capability type: EffectPattern 98
    196 197Capability type: EffectPattern 99
    198 199Capability type: EffectPattern 100
    200 201Capability type: EffectPattern 101
    202 203Capability type: EffectPattern 102
    204 205Capability type: EffectPattern 103
    206 207Capability type: EffectPattern 104
    208 209Capability type: EffectPattern 105
    210 211Capability type: EffectPattern 106
    212 213Capability type: EffectPattern 107
    214 215Capability type: EffectPattern 108
    216 217Capability type: EffectPattern 109
    218 219Capability type: EffectPattern 110
    220 221Capability type: EffectPattern 111
    222 223Capability type: EffectPattern 112
    224 225Capability type: EffectPattern 113
    226 227Capability type: EffectPattern 114
    228 229Capability type: EffectPattern 115
    230 231Capability type: EffectPattern 116
    232 233Capability type: EffectPattern 117
    234 235Capability type: EffectPattern 118
    236 237Capability type: EffectPattern 119
    238 239Capability type: EffectPattern 120
    240 241Capability type: EffectPattern 121
    242 243Capability type: EffectPattern 122
    244 245Capability type: EffectPattern 123
    246 247Capability type: EffectPattern 124
    248 249Capability type: EffectPattern 125
    250 251Capability type: EffectPattern 126
    252 253Capability type: EffectPattern 127
    254 255Capability type: EffectPattern 128
  4. Channel type: ZoomZoom
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: ZoomZoom wide…narrow
    128 191Capability type: EffectDecreasing auto zooming slow…fast
    192 255Capability type: EffectIncreasing auto zooming slow…fast

11-channel mode 11ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: EffectProgram
    DMX values Capability
    0 9Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed (Laser off)
    10 59Capability type: EffectAuto mode: Cartoon graphics
    60 109Capability type: EffectAuto mode: Beam graphics
    110 159Capability type: Effect (sound-controlled)Sound mode: Beam graphics
    160 209Capability type: Effect (sound-controlled)Sound mode: Cartoon graphics
    210 255Capability type: NoFunctionDMX mode
  2. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Presets Help wanted!
    DMX values Capability
    0 7Capability type: ColorPreset, colors: #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ffRGB
    Help wanted!Does this mix to white or are there individual red, green and blue beams?
    8 15Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffffffWhite
    16 23Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff0000Red
    24 31Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ffff00Yellow
    32 39Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ff00Green
    40 47Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #00ffffCyan
    48 55Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #0000ffBlue
    56 63Capability type: ColorPreset, color: #ff00ffMagenta
    64 127Capability type: EffectColor jump slow…fast
    128 191Capability type: EffectMultiple color mode slow…fast
    192 255Capability type: EffectColor fade slow…fast
  3. Channel type: EffectPattern Select
    DMX values Capability
    0 1Capability type: EffectPattern 1
    2 3Capability type: EffectPattern 2
    4 5Capability type: EffectPattern 3
    6 7Capability type: EffectPattern 4
    8 9Capability type: EffectPattern 5
    10 11Capability type: EffectPattern 6
    12 13Capability type: EffectPattern 7
    14 15Capability type: EffectPattern 8
    16 17Capability type: EffectPattern 9
    18 19Capability type: EffectPattern 10
    20 21Capability type: EffectPattern 11
    22 23Capability type: EffectPattern 12
    24 25Capability type: EffectPattern 13
    26 27Capability type: EffectPattern 14
    28 29Capability type: EffectPattern 15
    30 31Capability type: EffectPattern 16
    32 33Capability type: EffectPattern 17
    34 35Capability type: EffectPattern 18
    36 37Capability type: EffectPattern 19
    38 39Capability type: EffectPattern 20
    40 41Capability type: EffectPattern 21
    42 43Capability type: EffectPattern 22
    44 45Capability type: EffectPattern 23
    46 47Capability type: EffectPattern 24
    48 49Capability type: EffectPattern 25
    50 51Capability type: EffectPattern 26
    52 53Capability type: EffectPattern 27
    54 55Capability type: EffectPattern 28
    56 57Capability type: EffectPattern 29
    58 59Capability type: EffectPattern 30
    60 61Capability type: EffectPattern 31
    62 63Capability type: EffectPattern 32
    64 65Capability type: EffectPattern 33
    66 67Capability type: EffectPattern 34
    68 69Capability type: EffectPattern 35
    70 71Capability type: EffectPattern 36
    72 73Capability type: EffectPattern 37
    74 75Capability type: EffectPattern 38
    76 77Capability type: EffectPattern 39
    78 79Capability type: EffectPattern 40
    80 81Capability type: EffectPattern 41
    82 83Capability type: EffectPattern 42
    84 85Capability type: EffectPattern 43
    86 87Capability type: EffectPattern 44
    88 89Capability type: EffectPattern 45
    90 91Capability type: EffectPattern 46
    92 93Capability type: EffectPattern 47
    94 95Capability type: EffectPattern 48
    96 97Capability type: EffectPattern 49
    98 99Capability type: EffectPattern 50
    100 101Capability type: EffectPattern 51
    102 103Capability type: EffectPattern 52
    104 105Capability type: EffectPattern 53
    106 107Capability type: EffectPattern 54
    108 109Capability type: EffectPattern 55
    110 111Capability type: EffectPattern 56
    112 113Capability type: EffectPattern 57
    114 115Capability type: EffectPattern 58
    116 117Capability type: EffectPattern 59
    118 119Capability type: EffectPattern 60
    120 121Capability type: EffectPattern 61
    122 123Capability type: EffectPattern 62
    124 125Capability type: EffectPattern 63
    126 127Capability type: EffectPattern 64
    128 129Capability type: EffectPattern 65
    130 131Capability type: EffectPattern 66
    132 133Capability type: EffectPattern 67
    134 135Capability type: EffectPattern 68
    136 137Capability type: EffectPattern 69
    138 139Capability type: EffectPattern 70
    140 141Capability type: EffectPattern 71
    142 143Capability type: EffectPattern 72
    144 145Capability type: EffectPattern 73
    146 147Capability type: EffectPattern 74
    148 149Capability type: EffectPattern 75
    150 151Capability type: EffectPattern 76
    152 153Capability type: EffectPattern 77
    154 155Capability type: EffectPattern 78
    156 157Capability type: EffectPattern 79
    158 159Capability type: EffectPattern 80
    160 161Capability type: EffectPattern 81
    162 163Capability type: EffectPattern 82
    164 165Capability type: EffectPattern 83
    166 167Capability type: EffectPattern 84
    168 169Capability type: EffectPattern 85
    170 171Capability type: EffectPattern 86
    172 173Capability type: EffectPattern 87
    174 175Capability type: EffectPattern 88
    176 177Capability type: EffectPattern 89
    178 179Capability type: EffectPattern 90
    180 181Capability type: EffectPattern 91
    182 183Capability type: EffectPattern 92
    184 185Capability type: EffectPattern 93
    186 187Capability type: EffectPattern 94
    188 189Capability type: EffectPattern 95
    190 191Capability type: EffectPattern 96
    192 193Capability type: EffectPattern 97
    194 195Capability type: EffectPattern 98
    196 197Capability type: EffectPattern 99
    198 199Capability type: EffectPattern 100
    200 201Capability type: EffectPattern 101
    202 203Capability type: EffectPattern 102
    204 205Capability type: EffectPattern 103
    206 207Capability type: EffectPattern 104
    208 209Capability type: EffectPattern 105
    210 211Capability type: EffectPattern 106
    212 213Capability type: EffectPattern 107
    214 215Capability type: EffectPattern 108
    216 217Capability type: EffectPattern 109
    218 219Capability type: EffectPattern 110
    220 221Capability type: EffectPattern 111
    222 223Capability type: EffectPattern 112
    224 225Capability type: EffectPattern 113
    226 227Capability type: EffectPattern 114
    228 229Capability type: EffectPattern 115
    230 231Capability type: EffectPattern 116
    232 233Capability type: EffectPattern 117
    234 235Capability type: EffectPattern 118
    236 237Capability type: EffectPattern 119
    238 239Capability type: EffectPattern 120
    240 241Capability type: EffectPattern 121
    242 243Capability type: EffectPattern 122
    244 245Capability type: EffectPattern 123
    246 247Capability type: EffectPattern 124
    248 249Capability type: EffectPattern 125
    250 251Capability type: EffectPattern 126
    252 253Capability type: EffectPattern 127
    254 255Capability type: EffectPattern 128
  4. Channel type: EffectRotation
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: RotationRotation 0…360°
    128 159Capability type: EffectBidirectional rotation slow…fast
    160 191Capability type: EffectBidirectional rotation pos. 2 slow…fast
    192 223Capability type: RotationRotation CW slow…fast
    224 255Capability type: RotationRotation CCW slow…fast
  5. Channel type: EffectX Axis Rolling
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: RotationRotation 0…360°
    128 159Capability type: EffectBidirectional rolling slow…fast
    160 191Capability type: EffectBidirectional rolling reverse slow…fast
    192 223Capability type: RotationRotation CW slow…fast
    224 255Capability type: RotationRotation CCW slow…fast
  6. Channel type: EffectY Axis Rolling
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: RotationRotation 0…360°
    128 159Capability type: EffectBidirectional rolling slow…fast
    160 191Capability type: EffectBidirectional rolling reverse slow…fast
    192 223Capability type: RotationRotation CW slow…fast
    224 255Capability type: RotationRotation CCW slow…fast
  7. Channel type: EffectX Axis Moving
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: BeamPositionBeam position left…right
    128 159Capability type: EffectAuto moving forward slow…fast
    160 191Capability type: EffectAuto moving backward slow…fast
    192 223Capability type: EffectAuto moving backward 2 slow…fast
    224 255Capability type: EffectAuto bidirectional moving slow…fast
  8. Channel type: EffectY Axis Moving
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: BeamPositionBeam position top…bottom
    128 159Capability type: EffectAuto moving downward slow…fast
    160 191Capability type: EffectAuto moving upward slow…fast
    192 223Capability type: EffectAuto moving downward 2 slow…fast
    224 255Capability type: EffectAuto bidirectional moving slow…fast
  9. Channel type: ZoomZoom
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: ZoomZoom wide…narrow
    128 191Capability type: EffectDecreasing auto zooming slow…fast
    192 255Capability type: EffectIncreasing auto zooming slow…fast
  10. Channel type: EffectDrawing
    DMX values Capability
    0 0Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    1 127Capability type: EffectAuto drawing slow…fast
    128 255Capability type: EffectAuto drawing + de-drawing slow…fast
  11. Channel type: SpeedScanning Speed
    Is inverted?
    DMX values Capability
    0 127Capability type: SpeedSpeed fast…slow
    128 255Capability type: SpeedSpeed fast…slow (With gaps)

Something wrong with this fixture definition?

It does not work in your lighting software or you see another problem? Then please help correct it!