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cameo Gobo Scanner 80 CLSCAN80W

Last modified: Created: Author: Felix EdelmannSourceRevisions
Also known as "G-Scan 80"

Physical data

190 × 150 × 450mm width × height × depth
DMX connector


Bulb type
80 W cool white LED


Beam angle


Slot 1: OpenSlot 2: Warm YellowSlot 3: LavenderSlot 4: LimeSlot 5: CyanSlot 6: AmberSlot 7: YellowSlot 8: BlueSlot 9: GreenSlot 10: Red
Color Wheel
Slot 1Open
Slot 2Warm Yellow
Slot 3Lavender
Slot 4Lime
Slot 5Cyan
Slot 6Amber
Slot 7Yellow
Slot 8Blue
Slot 9Green
Slot 10Red
Slot 1: OpenSlot 2: Gobo 1 1 Slot 3: Gobo 2 2 Slot 4: Gobo 3 3 Slot 5: Gobo 4 4 Slot 6: Gobo 5 5 Slot 7: Gobo 6 6 Slot 8: Gobo 7 7 Slot 9: Gobo 8 8 Slot 10: Gobo 9 9
Gobo Wheel
Slot 1Open
Slot 2Gobo 1
Slot 3Gobo 2
Slot 4Gobo 3
Slot 5Gobo 4
Slot 6Gobo 5
Slot 7Gobo 6
Slot 8Gobo 7
Slot 9Gobo 8
Slot 10Gobo 9

12ch mode

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: PanPan
    Fine channels
    Pan fine (channel 2)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: PanPan 0…180°
  2. Channel type: PanPan fine
    Fine channel of Pan (channel 1)
  3. Channel type: TiltTilt
    Fine channels
    Tilt fine (channel 4)
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 65535Capability type: TiltTilt 0…90°
  4. Channel type: TiltTilt fine
    Fine channel of Tilt (channel 3)
  5. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  6. Channel type: StrobeStrobe
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    6 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 1…20Hz
  7. Channel type: SpeedFlash Duration
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: StrobeDurationStrobe duration 0…510ms
  8. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Wheel
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    6 18Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #f9d716Warm Yellow
    19 31Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #e6e6faLavender
    32 44Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #bfff00Lime
    45 57Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00ffffCyan
    58 70Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffbf00Amber
    71 83Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffff00Yellow
    84 96Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #0000ffBlue
    97 109Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00ff00Green
    110 122Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff0000Red
    123 128Capability type: WheelRotationColor Wheel rotation stop
    129 255Capability type: WheelRotationColor Wheel rotation CW slow…fast
  9. Channel type: GoboGobo Wheel
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    6 17Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 2 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1
    18 29Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 3 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2
    30 41Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 4 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3
    42 53Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 5 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4
    54 65Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 6 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5
    66 77Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 7 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6
    78 89Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 8 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7
    90 101Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 9 (Gobo 8)Gobo 8
    102 113Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 10 (Gobo 9)Gobo 9
    114 125Capability type: WheelShake, slot 2 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1 shake slow…fast
    126 137Capability type: WheelShake, slot 3 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2 shake slow…fast
    138 149Capability type: WheelShake, slot 4 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3 shake slow…fast
    150 161Capability type: WheelShake, slot 5 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4 shake slow…fast
    162 173Capability type: WheelShake, slot 6 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5 shake slow…fast
    174 185Capability type: WheelShake, slot 7 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6 shake slow…fast
    186 197Capability type: WheelShake, slot 8 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7 shake slow…fast
    198 209Capability type: WheelShake, slot 9 (Gobo 8)Gobo 8 shake slow…fast
    210 221Capability type: WheelShake, slot 10 (Gobo 9)Gobo 9 shake slow…fast
    222 231Capability type: WheelRotationGobo Wheel rotation stop
    232 243Capability type: WheelRotationGobo Wheel rotation CW slow…fast
    244 255Capability type: WheelRotationGobo Wheel rotation CCW fast…slow
  10. Channel type: EffectPan/Tilt Macros
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    6 40Capability type: EffectPan small…big
    41 75Capability type: EffectTilt small…big
    76 110Capability type: EffectPan/Tilt small…big
    111 145Capability type: EffectPan/Tilt invers small…big
    146 180Capability type: EffectCircle small…big
    181 215Capability type: EffectCircle invers small…big
    216 255Capability type: EffectRandom small…big
  11. Channel type: SpeedPan/Tilt Speed
    Is inverted?
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: PanTiltSpeedPan/tilt movement fast…slow
  12. Channel type: MaintenanceSettings
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    6 55Capability type: MaintenanceInvert Pan on (hold 3s)
    56 105Capability type: MaintenanceInvert Pan off (hold 5s)
    106 155Capability type: MaintenanceInvert Tilt on (hold 3s)
    156 205Capability type: MaintenanceInvert Tilt off (hold 5s)
    206 255Capability type: MaintenanceReset All Functions (hold 3s)

9ch mode

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: PanPan
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: PanPan 0…180°
  2. Channel type: TiltTilt
    Default DMX value
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: TiltTilt 0…90°
  3. Channel type: IntensityDimmer
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: IntensityIntensity off…bright
  4. Channel type: StrobeStrobe
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    6 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe 1…20Hz
  5. Channel type: SpeedFlash Duration
    Can crossfade?
    DMX values Capability
    0 255Capability type: StrobeDurationStrobe duration 0…510ms
  6. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor Wheel
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    6 18Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #f9d716Warm Yellow
    19 31Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #e6e6faLavender
    32 44Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #bfff00Lime
    45 57Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00ffffCyan
    58 70Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffbf00Amber
    71 83Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffff00Yellow
    84 96Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #0000ffBlue
    97 109Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00ff00Green
    110 122Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff0000Red
    123 128Capability type: WheelRotationColor Wheel rotation stop
    129 255Capability type: WheelRotationColor Wheel rotation CW slow…fast
  7. Channel type: GoboGobo Wheel
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    6 17Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 2 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1
    18 29Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 3 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2
    30 41Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 4 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3
    42 53Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 5 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4
    54 65Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 6 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5
    66 77Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 7 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6
    78 89Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 8 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7
    90 101Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 9 (Gobo 8)Gobo 8
    102 113Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 10 (Gobo 9)Gobo 9
    114 125Capability type: WheelShake, slot 2 (Gobo 1)Gobo 1 shake slow…fast
    126 137Capability type: WheelShake, slot 3 (Gobo 2)Gobo 2 shake slow…fast
    138 149Capability type: WheelShake, slot 4 (Gobo 3)Gobo 3 shake slow…fast
    150 161Capability type: WheelShake, slot 5 (Gobo 4)Gobo 4 shake slow…fast
    162 173Capability type: WheelShake, slot 6 (Gobo 5)Gobo 5 shake slow…fast
    174 185Capability type: WheelShake, slot 7 (Gobo 6)Gobo 6 shake slow…fast
    186 197Capability type: WheelShake, slot 8 (Gobo 7)Gobo 7 shake slow…fast
    198 209Capability type: WheelShake, slot 9 (Gobo 8)Gobo 8 shake slow…fast
    210 221Capability type: WheelShake, slot 10 (Gobo 9)Gobo 9 shake slow…fast
    222 231Capability type: WheelRotationGobo Wheel rotation stop
    232 243Capability type: WheelRotationGobo Wheel rotation CW slow…fast
    244 255Capability type: WheelRotationGobo Wheel rotation CCW fast…slow
  8. Channel type: EffectPan/Tilt Macros
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    6 40Capability type: EffectPan small…big
    41 75Capability type: EffectTilt small…big
    76 110Capability type: EffectPan/Tilt small…big
    111 145Capability type: EffectPan/Tilt invers small…big
    146 180Capability type: EffectCircle small…big
    181 215Capability type: EffectCircle invers small…big
    216 255Capability type: EffectRandom small…big
  9. Channel type: MaintenanceSettings
    DMX values Capability
    0 5Capability type: NoFunctionNo function
    6 55Capability type: MaintenanceInvert Pan on (hold 3s)
    56 105Capability type: MaintenanceInvert Pan off (hold 5s)
    106 155Capability type: MaintenanceInvert Tilt on (hold 3s)
    156 205Capability type: MaintenanceInvert Tilt off (hold 5s)
    206 255Capability type: MaintenanceReset All Functions (hold 3s)

Something wrong with this fixture definition?

It does not work in your lighting software or you see another problem? Then please help correct it!