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Abstract Twister 4 Twister4

Last modified: Created: Authors: Flo Edelmann, Felix EdelmannSourceRevisions
Imported using the QLC+ 4.11.2 plugin on .

Physical data

200 × 200 × 400mm width × height × depth
DMX connector


Bulb type


Slot 1: OpenSlot 2: Red [Dot Tunnel]Slot 3: Blue [Slash]Slot 4: Green [Segment]Slot 5: Yellow [Triangle]Slot 6: Cyan [Tunnel]Slot 7: Orange [Bubbles]Slot 8: Pink [Stars]Slot 9: Multicolor [Quadrant] 8
Color / Gobo Wheel
Slot 1Open
Slot 2Red [Dot Tunnel]
Slot 3Blue [Slash]
Slot 4Green [Segment]
Slot 5Yellow [Triangle]
Slot 6Cyan [Tunnel]
Slot 7Orange [Bubbles]
Slot 8Pink [Stars]
Slot 9Multicolor [Quadrant]

1 CE (2ch) mode 1CE-2ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: SpeedRotation
    DMX values Capability
    0 11Capability type: RotationRotation stop
    12 112Capability type: RotationRotation CW fast…slow
    113 140Capability type: RotationRotation stop
    141 244Capability type: RotationRotation CCW slow…fast
    245 255Capability type: RotationRotation stop
  2. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor / Gobo Wheel
    DMX values Capability
    0 9Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    10 25Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    26 42Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff0000Red [Dot Tunnel]
    43 58Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #0000ffBlue [Slash]
    59 74Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00ff00Green [Segment]
    75 90Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffff00Yellow [Triangle]
    91 107Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00ffffCyan [Tunnel]
    108 123Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff7f00Orange [Bubbles]
    124 139Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff00ffPink [Stars]
    140 155Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 9 (Multicolor [Quadrant])Multicolor [Quadrant]
    156 172Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff7f00Orange [Bubbles]
    173 188Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00ffffCyan [Tunnel]
    189 220Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffff00Yellow [Triangle]
    221 237Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #0000ffBlue [Slash]
    238 253Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe slow
    254 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe fast

HP (3ch) mode HP-3ch

DMX channels

  1. Channel type: SpeedRotation
    DMX values Capability
    0 11Capability type: RotationRotation stop
    12 112Capability type: RotationRotation CW fast…slow
    113 140Capability type: RotationRotation stop
    141 244Capability type: RotationRotation CCW slow…fast
    245 255Capability type: RotationRotation stop
  2. Channel type: Multi-ColorColor / Gobo Wheel
    DMX values Capability
    0 9Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    10 25Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffffffOpen
    26 42Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff0000Red [Dot Tunnel]
    43 58Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #0000ffBlue [Slash]
    59 74Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00ff00Green [Segment]
    75 90Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffff00Yellow [Triangle]
    91 107Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00ffffCyan [Tunnel]
    108 123Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff7f00Orange [Bubbles]
    124 139Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff00ffPink [Stars]
    140 155Capability type: WheelSlot, slot 9 (Multicolor [Quadrant])Multicolor [Quadrant]
    156 172Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ff7f00Orange [Bubbles]
    173 188Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #00ffffCyan [Tunnel]
    189 220Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #ffff00Yellow [Triangle]
    221 237Capability type: WheelSlot, color: #0000ffBlue [Slash]
    238 253Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe slow
    254 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe fast
  3. Channel type: StrobeShutter
    DMX values Capability
    0 23Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter closed
    24 225Capability type: ShutterStrobeShutter open
    226 255Capability type: ShutterStrobeStrobe slow…fast

Something wrong with this fixture definition?

It does not work in your lighting software or you see another problem? Then please help correct it!