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ColorSource Plugin

Export plugin version 0.1.0

ColorSource (CS) is a series of DMX consoles by ETC. The installed fixture library is not available in a readable format, but custom fixtures created using the Personality Editor are saved as JSON files.

You can download the ColorSource Offline program that simulates the console if you don't have physical access to one; see Downloads below.

Install fixture definitions

Browse to the fixture you want to download, then select ColorSource in the Download as… button.

Load the userlib.jlib onto the root of a USB drive and plug it into the console (or into your computer, if you use ColorSource Offline). When patching devices, select "User Library" instead of "Standard Library".

File locations

Fixture files in subdirectories are not recognized.

USB drive (for console)

User library: /userlib.jlib

Additional information

ColorSource channel types

CS type Description
0 No function / Hidden
1 Intensity
2 Pan, Tilt, PanTiltSpeed
3 Color wheel, ColorPreset, ColorTemperature
4 "Beam" – basically everything that doesn't fit to another type
5 Single Color (see below), Hue, Saturation

Known colors

Red, Green, Blue, White (~7500K or unknown temperature), Amber, UV, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Indigo, Lime, Orange, RedOrange, MintGreen, GreenCyan, CoolWhite (~9000K), MediumWhite (~4000K), WarmWhite (~3200K)

Extracted from C:/Program Files (x86)/ETC/ColorSource/Library/ColorTable.idx.

Features not supported by the Personality Editor


Commands define a sequence of specific DMX values with hold time to perform a certain action, e. g. device reset. We could (in theory) use this feature to make use of our Maintenance.hold property. However, commands are used in internal fixtures only, the .jlib importer seems to simply delete the commands property. Nevertheless, we include the commands property in our exported fixtures as the logic to create them has already been implemented and it may be supported in future.

Range tables

Range tables provide a way of defining switching channels. They aren't supported in .jlib files yet and are preserved for internal fixtures only.

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